GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:马建华
The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE142原题。题目讨论社会繁荣问题,题目认为社会繁荣的增强与公民对权威的质疑相关。本题和老GRE中的ISSUE105--"The true strength of a country is best demonstrated by the willingness of its government to tolerate challenges from it's own citizens"有相似之处。在分析的过程中,可以从社会繁荣的体现、民众对权威提出质疑的目的和形式、权威本身的职责以及对待民众质疑的应有态度、权威与民众互动的过程和社会繁荣之间的关系等方面展开思考。
1. 请列举三个国家的发展情况,简述并对比那些国家里的民众对权威的态度。
回答: In China , the public queried the authority of Chairman Mao and the validity of Marxism since 1979 and Deng Xiaoping destroy the monopoly of conservatives in the party.After challenging and querying the official geology, China started to open its gate and reform the whole country. The South Korean begun to realize the booming of economy and democratization since 1970s.Most of classes in society query the Ruling legitimacy of Pak Chung hee and Chun Doohwan, asking for more freedom in economy and politic.The people didn't give up fighting and democratization came to the fact in 1987.Since it , the economy and society develop sharply and the world call it the miracle of Han river. Poland,Czekh damaged the authority of Communist in 1989. The people never believe the official politic thoughts blindly and choose the democracy.The economy and politic system rise obviously more than 10 years until 2008
2. 民众对权威的质疑为一个社会的繁荣给予了哪些作用?请举例并简述。
回答: 1.the challenge of the public to the authority , especially government, will damage the control of mind from a few authorities.Without constraints in mind, there are a quantity of incentives being injected in to the society for people ask for more freedom to do commerce.It means that the deeply market economy is on the way. 2.It is inevitable for the authorities to face that more and more people query their privileges especially their ruling legitimacy.The government power will be restrained with the democracy being built completely and have few chance to intervene the market. The less control of authority in the market, the more activity of economy a country have. 3.The culture will erupt since the censorship of authority go to an end and simulate the whole society immediatly
3. 权威受到民众的质疑对其本身以及社会,会有哪些利弊?请举例并简述。
回答: When the authority lose its absolute control in economy and politic, a series of chaos in mind is inevitable.Along with the old orders being threw into the rubbish, the public have to spend at least more than ten years to rebuild the laws and morals in society. During the special time, some havoc will happen and economy fluctuates highly.The living level maybe reduce in this period. For example , Russia underwent a dark period more than ten years and lose many healthy before the breaking of Soviet.If the leaders of the country lack the ability of overcome the contradiction, the society is easy to sink into the chaos fulfill of force. On the other hand, the query from the public will effectively restrain abuse of power. Furthermore, the deciders have to consider all kinds of opinions from the public when they make politic and economic policies.Finally , any actions of the authorities will be supervised with implement. The Taiwan government decides annual financial budge under the supervising of many representatives.The efficiency of financial is more better than the China mainland.
4. 权威不接受民众的质疑对其本身以及社会,会有哪些利弊?请举例并简述。
回答: Some authorities choose to ignore the queries from the public and insist putting their actions and policies into practice. On the one hand, the insistence of authorities will ensure the policies can be carried out consistently and continuously.If the policy is very good , the ideal results will achieve immediately and the development of society is very fast. On the other hand,the ignorance also lead to the abuse of state power. The officers uninformative will do many wrongs even they have enough kindleness.
5. 民众、权威、社会繁荣三者之间存在着怎样的关系?请举例并简述。
6. 除了“许多民众开始质疑权威”,哪些其他情况同样可以提升社会的繁荣?这些情况和“许多民众开始质疑权威”相比,在提升社会繁荣的过程中有哪些优势和不足?请举例并简述。
The speaker asserts that it is a begin for society to become flourishing that the public query the authorities.I agree with the contention in some degrees because there so many evidence support it.However, in my view, some country also can achieve impressive development with the obeisance to the authority. So, we cannot analyze the problem on the surface.
First of all,as we know, a silent society which is under the power press lack activity in any field.In order to keep their absolute privileges and dominant position, the authorities doesn't allow diverse thoughts and speeches.They also try every means to control most of the mental healthy in the country.For instance,when China was dominated by Mao Zedong, only Maoism can be educated in the public and any things,actions and thoughts which are regarded as not accord with Maoism would be damaged and washed out.Without the query to the authority, there is no space to develop the society.
Secondly, the query of the public to the authority can win over more and more economic space to develop the whole country.the challenge to the authority, especially autocratic government, will damage the control of mind from a few authorities.Without constraints in mind, there are a quantity of incentives being injected in to the society for people ask for more freedom to do commerce.It means that the deeply market economy is on the way.For example, after the death of Mao, a lot of farmers in China questioned the economic theory established by Mao and asked for the rights of using cultural land.Some farmers in xiaogang town, Anhui, fought over the rights of using the land and won a big harvest in that year. Under the permission of Deng Xiaoping ,it became the offset of Chinese economic reforming. Thirdly,the question from the public is start to restrain the power of authority. It is no doubt that the abuse of state power is the biggest problem of human society for its detrimental intervene in the market. Only if the public start to query the rationality of authority's actions and speeches,the state power stop hurting others and exploiting the wealthy.And then, the invisible hand in the market will   
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