GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:马建华
The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youth. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
1. 描述一个你在日常生活中所接触得到的年轻人的潮流,比如Apple的产品、回力鞋等,并解释这些潮流体现了什么文化特征?
回答: 苹果公司产品最近十分流行,随处可见苹果的ipad,iphone,ipod等产品。这些潮流体现了文化的五大特征: 1、消解了文化的层阶 2、有关思想资源的转换 3、知识合法化问题的回归 4、体制化构成的新型模式 5、转换时空:抹平地域与民族差异
2. 利用网络和各种资料,对“当代文化”给出定义。并解释文化包含了哪些方面,这些方面中哪些和年轻人的潮流是可以有关系的?
回答: 文化实际上主要包含器物、制度和观念三个方面,具体包括语言、文字、习俗、思想、国力等,客观的说文化就是社会价值系统的总和。 文化和文明有时候在用法上混淆不清。于是有学者提出区别,文明偏在外,凡是政治、法律、经济、教育等生活上的表现,以及工艺与科学的成果,可以认为是文明的表现。至于文化偏在内,偏重于精神方面,包含了宗教、哲学、艺术等思想与习俗
3. 除了分析年轻人的潮流以外,了解当代文化的途径还有哪些?请举例说明。这些途径和分析文化潮流相比,哪个更有效?
回答: 了解当代文化的途径还有: 1、学习分析某个国家的语言文字的变迁 2、了解纸面和网络媒体上的文化动向 3、关注现代国家的政治法律制度的变化 4、分析各种先进科学技术的发展成果 5、了解精神层面的变化
4. 通过分析年轻人的潮流来了解文化可能会遇到什么困难?请举例说明。
回答: 1、年轻人的文化潮流通常指流行文化,是时装、时髦、消费文化、休闲文化、奢侈文化、物质文化、流行生活方式、流行品味、都市文化、次文化、大众文化以及群众文化等概念所组成的一个内容丰富、成分复杂的总概念 2、它的特点在于产生、消逝的速度很快,很难追踪其文化变迁足迹 3、内容较为肤浅,缺乏深层次的文化内涵 4、流行潮流的受众面不广,主要集中在30岁之下的年轻群体,代表性不足
5. 年轻人的潮流是否会影响一个社会的文化发展?如果可以,请举例说明。
回答: 年轻人的潮流的确会影响一个社会的文化发展,比如说上世纪60年代的披头士文化潮流,使得美国的社会文化发展受到了巨大影响。美国的资本主义社会危机得到了深刻体现,促进了美国民权运动的发展
The arguer suggest the people who want to  study the modern culture that the best way to learn the modern culture is to study and analyze the trendency of the youth. It seems to be convincing to some people, but in my eyes, I have my reservation that the modern culture should be studied in many aspects not only the trendency of the youth.
As we know, culture is a  collection containing a large number of social elements. The modern culture consist mainly of objectives in society, social system and conceptions, including language, writing, customs, moral values, state powers etc. in modern society , so the modern culture is the sum of value system of modern society.It means that the modern culture should be analyzed and studied in many aspects.
I have to acknowledge that the fashion trendency of the youth is a important part of the modern culture in the world. It is no doubt that the youth with limitless energy is the most vivid and ingenious class in the society.The fashion trendency of the youth can represent and lead the change of the modern society in a country even more and influence the development of society deeply.So we can estimate the tend of the culture in a country by do a research about the trendency of  the youth.For instance, the beatles culture in 1960s in US and Europe change many traditional social value in west and change the path of western culture.Another example is the fashion of Apple productions today. The spread of Apple production in the youth show that they want to use the advanced technology to change the life styles in modern society.
But the limitation of the trendency of the youth is also constiguous.First,the youth want to keep the most advanced things in society so that any kinds of the trendency of the youth can not consist for a long time and many trendencies may vanish in a day.Furthemore, the youth fashion have no rich and diverse culture connotation so most of them are surface and collections of platitudes.Finally, the trendency of the youth only be enjoyed in the class of the youth whose ages are less than 30 years old, so the representativeness is not typical in the whole modern culture.
In order to do our research more strick and logic, we had better make more aspects of modern culture and other methods into account. The modern culture immerse in every detail from individual life to social actions , to the system of the country. There are many aspects we should focus on. We can study the main religion to analyze the state of mental culture in a country. The research about the law system can reflect the political culture in a sociaty. A survey on national sports competition such as NBA would show the sport and competition culture  of a nation.The more aspects and details we study , the more logic and convincing our conclusions are.
In summary,  the trendency of the youth is inevitable for us to study the modern culture, I adimiting it, but we should not ignore other aspects of modern culture in the society especially some of them is more representative than the fashion of the youth. 
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