TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:hou
Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你在大学里学的是多项课程还是专项的?你觉得学校的课程安排合理吗?为什么?
回答: 多项的且关联的。合理。在学校里学习专业知识是为了进行实践。任何专业都不会孤立存在,都会在某种方面与其他专业的知识相交叉。 例如,国际贸易专业所涉及的内容与金融专业、物流专业、英语专业、经济专业等多个专业相交叉。
2. 学多个专业的课程对学生有哪些提高?
回答: 知识层面丰富,解决实际问题时,逻辑思维的面会更宽阔,有助于问题的解决。
3. 只学一个专业对学生有什么好处?
回答: 专业知识扎实,研究问题时,逻辑思维会更加严密。
4. 你有没有选修过跟你专业相差比较远的课程?你觉得这对你学习本专业有帮助吗?
回答: 有。没有。 我的专业是国际贸易,我选学的是视频剪切。
5. 站在社会的角度上,哪种学校培养出来的学生更具有适用性?为什么?
When I chose International Business and Trade as my major, I don't know it is a board subject, it contain wide range of knowledge among business, for instance, Finance, Economy and Marketing. At last, it becomes a problem when i am going to graduate and find a job. Because most company is prefered professional who has specific knowledege in one area. So, according to my experience, I think university should require stutends to specialize in one subject.
The first and the most important is that the reason why students go to university is to learn professional knowledge instead of go to work immediately after graduate from high school. This is the biggist difference between university and high school, high school is the place for students to learn general knowlege.  Specialize in one subject students can  become a expert when they are given degrees, and it will help them to find a promising job.
Secondly, although students study only one subject, it does not mean them can not obtain a multi-dimensional knowledge by taking university's curriculum. I think the  curriculums arranged by university is more reasonable and professional, and emphasize on the comprehensive structure of the knowledge.
Admittedly, taking classes in many subjects enriches students' knowledge structure, and it may help them to think from various aspects when facing a problem. However, both the students’ energy and time are limited, achieving the large scale knowlege will make then miss the opportunity to go deep into thier major.
Therefore, I still hold my opinion that university should require stutends to specialize in one subject.
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