TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:BingoL
【IBT机经-6】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: A serious and strict teacher is more effective than a teacher with humor and is easygoing.
1. 教师教学包括哪些环节?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 教师教学包括的环节有 1、了解学生情况 2、根据班级情况制定教学计划 3、教授课程 4、跟踪学生学习情况 5、优化教学计划
2. 影响到教学质量的因素有哪些,为什么?教师在教学过程中起到什么作用?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 影响到教学质量的因素有: 1、教师能力不够,因为如果教师本身就没有能力的话那就更不用说去教别人了 2、学生积极性调动不起来,学生对课程缺乏兴趣,上课容易走神,如若这样的话学习效率会很差 3、教师授课方法有问题,如若要是方法有问题会导致学生听不懂老师所讲的内容 从而影响学习质量 4、教师课前准备不充分,若准备不充分 课上就没有节奏,授课内容不完整 不严谨 使教学质量下降 教师在教学过程中起到很关键的作用,他需要根据班级学生的能力不同选择不同的方式进行授课,并且授课内容需要严谨,授课气氛要能带动学生积极性
3. 要想促进教学质量的提升,老师需要具备哪些性格特点和重要品格,为什么?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 责任性responsibility,老师需要对他的学生负责,不能歧视放弃任何一个学生,就如我初中班主任a,当时我数学不好,几乎对数学失去的兴趣,老师鼓励我帮助我最终让我渐渐喜欢上数学并且取得好成绩。 耐心patience 老师应该有耐心去教育指导作为新手的我们, 幽默感 a good sense of humor 老师最好还需要有幽默感 这样的话让人觉得很亲近 并且能够提高课堂活跃度,让学生的思绪跟这老师走 学习效率能大大增加
4. 严格且严肃的性格对于上述教学环节起到哪些作用,为什么?幽默且随和的老师呢?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 严肃严格的性格对于上课的作用 优点:严格要求学生,保证每天教学质量,学生对老师有畏惧心理所以不敢违抗 缺点:死板 枯燥 课堂不活跃 幽默随和的老师 有点:授课灵活课堂气氛活跃 能调动学生积极性全神贯注的听课 学生与老师关系融洽没有畏惧心能坦诚的请教问题 缺点:不自觉的学生会越发松懈
5. 学生对于两种截然不同的老师会有什么样的反应?这些反应对于教学质量会存在哪些影响?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 亲近/远离:如果老师幽默和蔼学生就会很亲近他反着会害怕从而躲着他,对于教学质量存在的影响在于如若学生惧怕老师就不敢向老师请教问题导致不会的东西一直不会从而使学习成绩下降 上课活跃/不活跃:如果老师幽默课堂气氛就会很活跃反之死气沉沉,活跃的课堂更能调动学生的积极性,沉闷的课堂使人昏昏欲睡,从而降低了教学质量 幽默/死板:幽默的老师能使学生喜欢该学科,俗话说兴趣是最好的老师 这样学生能更积极更好的学习该学科的知识 反之死板的老师只会让学生越来越不喜欢这个学科
Nowadays, there is a hotspot issue about a severe and strict teacher is more effective than a teacher with humor and approuchable, From my perspective, i disagree with this point of view for following reason.
The main reason of my prespective is that facetious teacher can make students like this course which the teacher teach. As we all konw that "interest is the best teacher", as long as students interet in the teacher, either his class, they may pay more attention on his class, thus the efficiency of study would be improve. we may take my elder brother for example, when he was a junior high school student, he didn't like math because the mathematics lesson was bored, since the teacher had been changed, who can taught them humorously, he began to like math and the score of math had been improved.Furthermore, it's easy to approach the friendly teacher who make students feel kind. so  when they have some problem with their study, they are more possible turn to the kind teacher instead of the strict teacher, for instance, my college English teacher Mr.Liu who was very strict and serious. when we have some questions, we weren't asking him because he would scold you. so the English score of our class are bad.Finally, humorous teacher can increase the activity of class. active class is very important that students can discuss with each other, concentrate on the focus, otherwise, a bored classroom climate is bad for our study.

All in all, that;s is why i intend to stand on the side that a teacher with humor is more efficient
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