TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:empire009
Some people think that the automobile has improved modern life. Others think that the automobile has caused serious problems. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 汽车给我们的生活带来了哪些便利?
回答: 方便出行,节省时间,之前没有汽车的时候,人们要去一个地方要花好几个月,这样在有限的生命中就没有办法到更多地方。
2. 同时,汽车又给人类生活带来哪些危害?
回答: 环境污染。汽车尾气会带来空气污染。
3. 对于这些危害,人类有什么办法控制或是解决?
回答: 我们可以提高汽油的品质,让燃烧后的废物不是那么有害。
4. 若是没有汽车的出现,人类的生活将是怎样的?
回答: 人们将会只待在一个地方,或者几年只能去一个地方,没法享受大好河山和美丽的景色
5. 类似汽车这种科技的发展,它们给现代生活到底增添了怎样的色彩?
回答: 可以让人们有更新的生活体验,开阔视野。
With the development of science and technology as well as the improvement of people's living standard, automobile is being considerably commom in every family. Almost every family owns at least one car.People all over the world benefit enormously from automobile. Cars make it easier for us to go anywhere we want without few limitations. Suppose it was constantly raining outside and you had to go to the supermarket to buy some food for there was none left. What would you do if you did not have a car? Obviously, you could either stay hungry or went totally wet in order to sustain your live while if you have a car, everything will change, because you can drive to the supermarket and get your food and come back happily with a dry body. Also, automobile can shorten our travel length by saving time from one place to another. Cars usually have a rate at 100 miles per hour, which is enough to take you anywhere on the same continent you wish to go within a couple of days. It sometimes can make people's dream come true, espacially for those old people. For instance, my 80-year-old grandfather, who wanted to go to the Forbidden City since he was a child and lives in a small village 200 miles away from it, but he just complete his dream a year ago, for my father drove him there. And it just took them 2 hours which is ten times as less as going by horse in the past.However, automobile also brings some problems like environmental pollution. The more cars people have, the more serious the pollution will be. Yet we can control the pollution from getting more seriously and harmful by using environmentally friendlly fuel, meanwhile the government should improve the crietria of clear fuel in order to force factories produce clearer oil. Based on the anylasis above, I strongly hold the opinion that automobile has improved our modern life. Besides, I hope our government could prevent low-quality fuel from producing in order to make our life both convenient and healthy.
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