GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:乔 淼
In any field of endeavor, it is impossible to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
1. 请列举任意三项伟大贡献或成就,并分析这些贡献和其所属领域中的过去成就之间有哪些联系。
回答: 1 the development of atomic bomb 没有过去的物理学研究成果,就不可能有原子弹 2 Apollo Project 没有天文学家、物理学家、火箭学家等一系列先驱的工作,就无法实现登月 3 金字塔的建成 没有建筑学家和工人的经验积累和知识储备,不可能凭空造出这个玩意
2. 是否存在这样的情况:某人从未没有涉足过某领域,但却作出了对该领域发展有重大意义的贡献?如果有,请举例并分析贡献是如何作出的,与哪些其他因素或人物相关。
回答: 天文学家Alvarez和地质学家Alvarez通过对陨石撞击坑周围地层中某种元素的研究,提出了导致恐龙灭绝的陨石撞击理论,解决了古生物学的问题 他们是通过学科背后共通的科学原理,以及基本的逻辑进行推理判断后做出的贡献 这实际上也是“站在前人的基础上”但并非within that field
3. 在一个领域中的成就会对之后在该领域的发展以及行为和思考产生哪些影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 学会这个学科的基本理论、研究范式,按照既有的pattern行事 同时受到这些已有理论和方法的制约,可能在遇到新问题的时候不敢大胆地提出全新的可能性。比如在牛顿力学体系统治物理学的年代,爱因斯坦的相对论就被认为是异想天开。
4. 过去的成就对新贡献有哪些影响?这些影响是否是不可替代的?如果是,请说明原因;如果不是,请给出替代过去成就的事物。
回答: 为新的贡献提供了理论基础或者参照。前人留下的规律和总结(理论)未必不可替代。但前人留下的数据(观测结果)则无法替代。新的理论解释总要和前人的数据进行比对,不能产生无法调和的矛盾。 此外还有一些东西不可替代:跨学科共通的思维方式,分析、解决问题的思路。以及学者在过去的学习中所积累的常识基础。
Basically, I agree with the author that the past achievements plays a vital role in making significant contribution, in any field of endevor. That means, at least in our society, it is almost impossible to make such contribution for anyone, if he or she hasn't been strongly influenced by the previous achievements in that field.
The past achievement, first and foremost, provides one the basis within a field. Such basis includes but not limited to the general knowledge, methodology, experience of research, and so on. Most,if not all contributions can only be available after such basis has been established. A scientist must be well-trained and familiar with the results of previous research, then he/she is able to expand our frontiers in this field. An artist, as well, can do his/her creative job only after know how to do it. All these training, results, and principles are based on past achievements. How could we expect a munchkin to achieve the most stunning achievement in a field, especially in present days? Thus, to be stronly influenced by the past achievement is the basis for anyone to make contribution in one field.
Even the so-called "creative" works are de facto the synthesis or product from the achievements that our predecessors had already made. Egyptians could hardly build pyramid if their ancestors didn't accumulate enough knowledge in astronomy, architecture and engineering. Also, it could be entirely impossible for scientists to develop A-bomb without previous research on isotope and structure of atom. Any creation we make is actually from the knowledge and skill we already have, rather than from nothing. That means, we must first absorb the legacy our predecessors left, then we could make new achievement, just like the proverb tells, "standing on the shoulder of giants".
Some opponents may argue that there are a few achievements in some fields has been made by someone out of those fields. For example, Luiz Alvarez, a physicist, and his son, a geologist, proposed a hypothesis about the extinction of dinosaurs 65 million years ago, that it was caused by an impact of an asteroid on Earth. Well, it sounds like some outsiders succeeded in resolving an paleontology issue. However,Dr.Alvarez and Dr.Alvarez didn't know nothing about this field, neither they discovered the cues by simply an "eureka". They made such hypothesis out of geological analysis and theories of physics, combining their understanding about the natural history. That means, such an "outsider-made" contribution is still one that was resulted from "being influenced by past achievements". They are not from "happy accidents" but from persistent endeavor based on the understanding of past knowledge. As a result, generally speaking, I think the author's point is applicable to almost any field and any case, especially in modern society.
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