TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:SY
【IBT机经-14】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the lost of old friends?
1. 在你看来,老朋友之间的感情是怎样的?这种感情是否会随着时间空间的变化而减弱吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 在我看来,老朋友之间的感情应该是长久的,并且是不会随着时间的流逝,地域的变化而随之变化。例如,大学毕业后,我们在各自奋斗的城市生活,虽然不能够见面,但当遇到生活中、工作中遇到困难和伤心的事的时候,总会第一时间打给老同学,一方面沟通了感情和另一方面也可以听听他们的建议和看法。
2. 即使搬到一个新的地方,老朋友一定会丧失吗?有没有什么方式和他们依然保持联系?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 不会。随着科学技术的发展,互联网技术的普及,有很多方式可以和他们保持联系。 在有网络的情况下,我们可以发e-mail,聊QQ,聊微信。个人认为,微信是最方便、快捷的方式。微信不仅可以以文本的形式聊天,还可以发送语音消息。并且可以发照片、视频到朋友圈,你的好友可以随时了解到你的近况,走进你的生活,还可以对你发的内容进行评论。 没有网络的情况下,我们可以发短信,打电话。
3. 请结合具体事例简述,在一个新的地方,难免会认识到新的朋友,扩大你的交际圈,你觉得这是一件好事还是坏事?
回答: 扩大交际圈当然是一件好事 交际能力是一个人素质的重要方面,认识的朋友越多,在你困难的时候能够帮助你的人就越多。
4. 请结合实际简述,新的城市或国家会给你带来什么新的东西?
回答: 能够让你接触到新鲜事物,认识不同的人。 例如,当我离开家乡到异地上大学的时候,我认识了很多来自各地的同学,他们有不同的口音。我跟饼饼成为了最好的朋友,我们常常在一起学习,老师课堂留的作业我们课下一起讨论;临近考试的时候,我们一起上自习,两个脑袋总比一个脑袋聪明。
5. 你觉得个人发展和友情,哪个对你来说更重要?请结合实际简述。
    Some people claim that they are reluctant to go to a new city due to loss of many old friends  .But in fact ,in order to seek a fortune or better careers prospects, moving to another city is definitely a good option.     It's an exaggeration to say that the long distance will cause "communication breakdown" between you and your old friends .With the development of Internet technologies ,there are diverse methods to keep connection with old friends such as email, QQ and wechat. All the ways there are, wechat is a my all-time-favorite. One the one hand, it enables me to send out not only text message but also voice message via Wi-Fi. This beauty of this is that it helps us to save money especially when we are students. On the other hand ,Moments of wechat provide a perfect platform to immediately share our ideas , delicate photos and interested things happened in daily life. Though we can't meet everyday , we can pay attention to each other's life. For most young people, they do find it an effective way to maintain fellow ship.     In addition, moving to new place enables to improve social skills. Social skills are important to achieve success because people enjoy being around socially-skilled people. Social skills are, essentially, the abilities to manage relationships and emotions of others .My boss ,for example, knows emotions can be contagious and always try to make customers feel good. Under most circumstances, it does not seem difficult to sign a contract for him. Who doesn't want to be those who have intelligence in social skills?     Another reason I prefer to move to a new place is that we can encounter with kinds of people who are different from those in our hometown. After all, people are always curious about someone new, which will really help us be familiar with each other and good friends. Our friendships deeper and more meaningful with time and new friends become old friends. We can support each other when we face a problem of acquiring knowledge together, the solution comes more easily because we can brainstorm. If I study alone, I just stuck and can't move on.     Though we probably feel a bit disoriented at the beginning, the feeling will disappear as the time goes on .It's good to branch out and have friends who are separate from your core social circle. Equally important is the fact that true friendship last forever.
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