GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:joe_901
College students -- and people in general -- prefer to follow directions rather than make their own decisions. Therefore, colleges should eliminate as many choices as possible in order to offer students clear direction.
本题讨论对学生指导时应该多提供明确指导而不是让他们自己选择,因为相对于自主,大学生们更喜欢跟随知道。和本题相似的一道题目是ISSUE234--Most people prefer restrictions and regulations to absolute freedom of choice ,although they would probably deny such a preference。两道题目都是在讨论人们对外界和自我的不同倾向问题。针对本题,分析的时候可以从指导给人们带来的便利,自己做决定的困难,学生这种倾向形成的原因,学校本身的职责以及根据这种情况进行调整的必要性思路展开,并结合不同学科和具体情况分析。需要注意的是分析得主要针对“大学生”。
1. 明确指导在大学生日常生活和学习的过程中都起到了哪些作用?给他们提供了哪些便利条件?请举例并简述。
回答: let us do or learn the things we hate but is necessary for our future.早起的早操 有些必修课 等
2. 大学生如果完全要依靠自己来做决定,此过程中会有哪些困难?请举例并简述。
回答: we have no idea what to choice might选择对我们帮助不大的课程, 而且即使我们依靠自己选择完了 又有谁来教我们呢 每个人的选择都是不同的 没有那么多的资源来教大家啊
3. 大学教育的目的都有哪些?哪些教育内容适合给出学生明确的指导,哪些适合让学生自己做决定?请举例并简述。
回答: 通才教育 + 专业人才教育+科研型人才教育 通才即基础阶段 和专业的前阶段需要明确指导 而后来的两个阶段不用
4. 在几乎所有方面都给出学生们提供明确的指导能否达到教学目标?有哪些可能后果?请举例并简述。
回答: college is not factory
     College students who suffered  high school are not very familiar with decision making. However in univercities we have plenty of chances to do things without directions.  The speaker  said that we should eliminate  as many choices as possible, however we all know that too much of one thing became problematic. So as far as am concerned we should mantain a balane between letting the students making their own decisions and given them clear directions.
      In some certain arenas, teachers must given colleg students clear directions. For students don't have any clue what their  speciaty should learn and even they are allowed to choice their own curriculum everyone has a diffent choice our resource is restriced we cannot be able to support it. One apt  illstration of this point is that if we do not give college student clear direction on what they should learn they may choice too many classes at a time and cannot fiinish  all of them ended up learning nothing or they just choice too little. whatsoever is this a problem.
     While no one wants to be restricted forced to learn something, so some options has to be made by ourself. One apt illstration of this is that
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