GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wangxiaoyu
The increase in knowledge is forcing people to specialize. As a result, the distance between fields of specialization has become so vast that specialists in different areas are rarely able to influence each other.
本题讨论专业化对于人们的影响,题目认为知识的增加使得专业化程度过高,进而导致了不同领域间不会相互影响。和官方ISSUE范文中的一道题目有相似之处--In our time, specialists of all kinds are highly over-rated. We need more generalists — people who can provide broad perspectives。在分析的过程中,可以从知识增加与专业化之间的关系、专业化和专业跨度之间的关系、不同领域之间相互影响的取决因素等方面展开思考。
1. 请举例并分析:在知识增加的过程中,各个学科出现了哪些新的分支,这些专业之间彼此的关系和以前有了哪些不同。
回答: 工学院以前有机电一体化专业。随着知识的增加,各个专业独立,力学、电学和机械分开。
2. 请列举某一具体专业并分析:作为这一领域的专家,在学习和研究的过程中会受哪些信息的影响。
回答: 机械工程。在机械设计的过程中, 要考虑电动机的容量,需要电学的知识。
3. 请列举某一具体专业的某专家并分析:此专家的研究以及其成果会影响直接或间接到哪些其他专业,以及影响的效果。
回答: 罗伯特爱德华兹研究试管受精。解决了家庭问题也给家庭伦理带来质疑 。 影响了社会学家和伦理学家的工作。
4. 在专家之间相互影响的过程中专业跨度起到了哪些作用?请举例并简述。
回答: 一个项目中包含各个领域的专家配合使整个项目顺利完成。
21 century is a century of information explosion . People deal with informations from a variety of ways every day and the knowledeg they have mastered increases a lot compared to past . Some people say that the increase in knowledge is forcing people to specialize . As a result , the distance between fields of specialization has become so vast that specialists in different areas are rarely ableto influence each other . Although I admit that the increased knowledge has lead to the split of some acdemic majors , I  think the distance between fields of specializtion is still short that experts from different field can communicate and influence each other effectively .
People tends to hold more information than what they can study and scholars split these informations in to part and people in a specific field just care about one part which is called split in subject . Medicine is a subject which has been split into several specific field because of the exposion of medical knowledge . At present ,the field of medicine includes scychological medine , pathology , behavioral medine and seral other split parts . The split is a natural result of huge information and it is better for the effective collector and process of the infromatio for people would only deal with a small amout of information which is confined to only a smll field one time  .
The specilization of people leads to distance between fields but experts from different field can still communicate and influence each other . Actually , many scholars are in favorate of absorbing information from other field besides the major field . A architecture professor in YUANZHI university ,Taiwan , require his freshmen students to write a novel once a week .  Many scholars in architecture cast doubt -is that writing a novel the homework of students who major in literature ? The professor gives his answer by pointing out the essence of architecture that architecure must be humanistic and considerable at the first place . Writing novels require students to be sensitive to human beings and try to understande the emotion of their characteristics which is important  for an architect when he disigns a house . Therefore , when people study issues of their own field , they should aborb all the knowledge from every field which might be helpful to their issue . The distance between specialists of different field does not indicate they can not influence each other .
Although specialists from different areas are able to communicate and have positive influence on each other , it can not be ignored that the distance between them can be problematic under some circumstances . The misunderstanding of term between traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine is an instance of such problems . Traditional Chinese medicine puts emphasizes on observing , smelling  ,inquring and feeling .Nevertheless , western medicine pays more attention on scientific result rather than the experience of the doctor . Doctors from eastern and western can not properly communicate because their discrepant understanding of medicine and they often misunderstand medicine terms from the other . Therefore , specilization can prevent effective communicaiton between different subjects which can not be avoided by now .
In sum , the exposion of knowledge does cause a specilizaiton in several fields of study which help peole take a more closer look at their major . The distance between specialist can sometimes causes misunderstanding between them which prevent them influencing each other . Nevertheless , in most of the case, specialists from various areas can corporate together and get useful help from each other  . 
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