TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:aimee.q
Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company. Which would you prefer? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.
1. 你或者身边的人是在大公司还是小公司工作?满意现在的工作吗?
回答: 朋友,大公司,满意。工作氛围宽松,分工明确。
2. 你们在自己的公司里得到了什么?
回答: 尊重;提升;工资
3. 你们有打算换另一种不同的环境工作吗?为什么?
回答: 暂时 没有。 因为满意现在的工作。
It is hard to say that one person do his work in a company all his life. However, at a certain phase, one person has job in a certain firm that maybe a large one, or a small one. When it comes to the choice of work place, someone tend to choose a small one, but I prefer a large company for the following reasons.
The most important reason is that people have a greater opportunity for self-improvement in a large company. Initially, having a job in a large firm means working under pressure because they must be good at his position among so many people. This kind of pressure convert to be the motivation that inspire them to hardworking and they will become more ambitious for improvement. While working in a small company with small goals or small market, people are less ambitious about not only their job but their career. Furthermore, in a large firm there are sorts of people who major in various fields, so that people here have more chances to communicate and work together. With these interactions, they can expand their scope, increase their social skills and gain team spirit. On the contrary, in a small firm with few colleagues, people have to do more work and have less time for communication. Therefore, working in a large company can lift people to a new height more efficient.
Another significant reason is that large enterprises are more professional than small ones. Firstly, large firms usually provide kinds of trainings before and after people become formal staff. These trainings help workers to learn the own business culture soon, and become up to their fields. In contrast, small firms usually want people do their job as soon as they become part of the companies. Secondly, large business are concerned about promotion and transfer for their employee, and provide professional platforms and progress. These promotion usually happen within companies, which means people who work hard and efficient have more fair chances for promoting in large firms than in small ones. Therefore, having a job in a large enterprise means people have more potential opportunities to be professional.
However, the advantages of working in a small company can not be ignored. In small firms with few staff, it is more possible for people to become outstanding because of their diligence and few competitors. While in large firms, people do have more chances to get promotion, but it is obvious that more competitors working together. Additional, people who devote themselves to the progress when their small firms become large ones, they will be the founder of these business and achieve a higher status. While in large companies, some people are always unremarkable workers because the large firms are already successful.
In conclusion, although there are some merits of working in a small company, which could attract some people to get jobs, I still held my opinion of working in a large company. For there are more potential chances for self-improvement for professional experience, I, a graduate student who just start the career, prefer a large company for reasons above. 
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