TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:吕勤洁
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
1. 你或你朋友通常采用哪种方式交流?为什么会选择那种方式?
回答: 我和朋友经常使用email来交流,因为我们在不同的国家,经常我睡觉的时候他正在学习工作,他有空的时候我又十分忙,所以email交流非常适合我们,便宜及时方便。
2. 人们面对面交流的时候需要注意什么?
回答: 人们面对面交流的时候,需要关注别人的想法
3. 面对面交流有何利弊?
回答: 有利:非常及时,有互动可以及时知道对方的想法。 弊1:对于非常敏感的人来说,面对面交流时对方的措辞和肢体语言都会影响他的情绪,最后有可能无法完全表达自己内心的想法。 弊2:当讨论到有争议性的问题时,容易当场争执,影响关系。
4. 书信等其他非面对面交流方式使用起来有何利弊?
回答: 弊:交流不及时。 有利1:避免尴尬。表达爱慕,道歉,感谢等对于害羞的人十分困难。 有利2:给双方足够的时间思考措辞。避免不必要的冲突,有利于互相理解。 有利3:时间自由,比如找导师的时候,不知道导师是不是有时间。同时发邮件也是一种礼节的体现。
5. 你认为怎样选择恰当的交流方式?
回答: 比较害羞的人表达自己的想法时可以尝试使用邮件,而比较开朗的冷静的人可以当面交流
My best friend went to the U.S.A. to study, and we haven't seen each other for almost a year. It's unrealistic for us to have face-to-face conversation. But thanks to emails, telephones and letters, we keep in touch until now. I really enjoy our communication. And from my point of view, letters, telephones and emails are good ways to communication.   Just what I says in the last paragraph, you see, the greatest benefit of the non-face-to-face communication is that I can contact with my friend at any time no matter what time is in the U.S.A..They are just unlike the face-to-face communication which is always restricted in the specific time and specific place.   What's more, they are best ways to escape from some embarrassing situation. I still remember once I did something wrong to my best friend. When I realized that I was wrong and wanted to say sorry for her, we hadn't talk to each other for a whole week. I don't know what should I do. Under my mother's advice, I wrought a sorry letter for her, I told her how regretful I was for hurting her and I really appreciated our friendship. After then she returned me a card on which she wrought that let us forget the sad things. And I knew I was forgiven. The letter saved our friendship.   Finally, some ways of non-face-to-face communication is a courtesy.For instance, when a couple invite others to their wedding, they send inviting cards to the guests. It's a way make others feel they are important to the couple and give the guests a chance to choose whether they attend the wedding or not.    I have to admit that face-to-face communication has some advantages such as communicating in time, but for me, I think other types of communication is much better because they're not restricted by time and places and they are the best way to avoid embarrassment. As a courtesy, they also play very important roles in our social life. So it's unfair to say that face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls.  
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