GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘天阮
We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.
1. 描述一件你通过别人学习到的事情或者东西,在这个学习过程中,这个人的观点和你一致还是不一致?
回答: 通过上暑期新东方的课,老杜和我持相同的意见,那就是学习需要独立思考,我们在相同的意见上分别交换了各自的意见。他提出当面对某个问题是不能只听从别人的观点,不要受各方思想的束缚,敢于根据客观的事实,结合自己的想法,提出自己的观点,需要独立思考的过程。不能盲目跟随别人的想法,那样往往会对观点不够坚定,容易随着别人的改变而改变。虽然我和老杜的观点一致,但他的理解更加深刻,我受益匪浅。 在实验室,我和同学就因某个实验的缺陷因如何改进而意见不一致,然后我们为了各自说服对方而提出自己的方法和理由,后来我发现她的方法更具有可操作性和科学性,我就接受了她的方法,同时我也学到了新的思路。
2. 你经常和人交流么?在交流过程中是否会有争论?在争论中,你学到了什么东西?请举例说明。
回答: 我在和别人交流的过程中经常意见不一致,而产生争论。一次在争论中,我学到了学习的目的不是为了学习而学习,而是为了解决实际问题而学习,很少的时候学习是为了作为完成某事的敲门砖,而大部分时间,学习应该成为提高自己各方面能力的过程。比如学数学,不是为了解数学题,而去学数学,而是为了将它应用于各个领域解决实际问题,像财务的预算,物理公式的演算等
3. 如果有人和你因为某个问题发生分歧,你会感觉到有压力么?这种压力带给你了什么?请举例说明。
回答: 发生分歧时,是会给我带来一定压力,这个用压力有的时候会给我动力,让我去搜寻有力的证据的来支持的我的观点。有的时候可能因为对方是领导或权威,你会觉得和他争论缺乏信心,感觉说话没有底气,不能完全表达出自己的观点,比如我在实习单位实习,我就某个问题和领导有分歧,在一些文件或事务的安排上与领导的想法有出入,但是往往我们要听从领导的安排,而不敢反驳领导
4. 在讨论中,所有人意见一致有什么好处?有什么不好的地方?请举例说明。
回答: 在讨论问题中,所有人意见一致,也会带来不好地方。以为没有什么方案或办法是完美的,这就需要经过广泛的讨论来找出它们的不足之处,进一步改进,避免一些不好的结果产生。比如在政府在经济建设的决策会议上讨论是否建一座工厂,如果代表都一致赞成,就会忽略掉它带来的负面效应,给环境造成破坏,产生噪声影响人民生活。不过也有好处,让计划实行的进度加快,如果过多的分歧,会延缓计划实行的时间,比如修建一条公路,一些人同意,一些人不同意,要经过很长的讨论和调研,需要分析这条公路对人们带来的全方位影响,最后决定是否施行,这往往要半年左右时间
5. 在讨论中如果出现了意见不一致的情况,有什么好处?有什么不好的地方?请举例说明,
回答: 意见不一致,可以通过讨论学习到别人的长处,来弥补自己的短处,达到博采众长的目的,让自己更加充实,思想更加成熟,会具有前瞻性,全面性。唐代的功臣,魏征就经常和唐太宗意见不合,而相互争论,但唐太宗因此受益匪浅,成为一代明君,为百姓和国家做出很大的贡献。不好的地方,可能两个人都很坚持自己的意见,把话题谈崩,导致关系不和,影响彼此间的感情,不利于以后的合作和讨论。
There is a debate that wether we can learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own. In my opinion, it is hard to say which one is right, since sometimes we learn something from people whose views are similar to ours, sometimes we learn something from people who have the opposite standpoints to us without causing stress and inhibit learning.
Holding the same opinion will have the same topic, which will promote to talk to each other about their thoughts. The information which you do not know is gained from other people. For instance, When I went to New oriental for Mr. Du's class, we share the same opinion on an issue that why think independly is important. Then we exchanged what we thought to each other. I leart from him that when we confront a issue,   not only can we listen others' mind and suggest that was our thought. This was a perform of no independent thinking. our mind is easily affected by others' ideas and lose our own opinion, proposing our opinion and evidence to prove it without agree with others simpley. Though we holded the same opinion, we can communicate on it deeper, learning what we are still unknow. This is a efficient way to study, through exchanging our thought with others accumulate knowledge .
While,  it is not justifiable to say that communicate with the people who do not agree with us can not learn something and cause stress and inhibit learning. It is also can provide us the oppotunities to learn knowledge. Since, if two people insisted differernt views, they would try to persuade the other one,  which is a useful access to learn from other people. If his or her explaination is rational, then it is gointg to be accepted. No matter what, something new is got into your brain. According to this, it does not result in stress or impeding learning, howerver, it is good to learn. For example, in Government decision-making meeting, people often hold a variety of views on descide a project like building factories. Some people will support and the others disagree. Then they leann the advantage of each part, and combining them to modify the plan which is not only helpful to society, but also gives them a chance to learn. Therefore, talking with the people with contradict views is a good way to learn and do not cause stress and inhibit learning.
In conclusion, communicate with other whether they share same views as us or not is a helpful learning method.
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