GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:FD1990
Some people believe that our ever-increasing use of technology significantly reduces our opportunities for human interaction. Other people believe that technology provides us with new and better ways to communicate and connect with one another. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
1. 在人与人的交流中,科技起到了什么样的作用(比如:工具、载体、干扰等)?试列举这些过程中的一些具体实例。
回答: MSN EMAIL help us communication with different people even we do not know them. for example, a American can speak to a Chinese who s/he never met before though email or some technological tools like facebook.
2. 电子邮件和微博等现代交流方式的发展有什么特点?这些方式在现代社会人与人之间的交流中过程中起到了什么作用?请举例并简述。
回答: timeliness is one of the most important characteristics of those communicative tools, we can know what happening in this world in the first time with the help of twitter and some tools like it.
3. 可促进信息互动的技术发展,比如:汽车、飞机等载体,在现代社会人与人之间的交流中过程中起到了什么作用?请举例并简述。
回答: make it easy for people travel from one place to another, you can easily visit your friends who live far from you though those modern transportations
4. 单向信息传递的技术发展,比如:电视、游戏等,在现代社会人与人之间的交流中过程中起到了什么作用(可从负面影响考虑,比如沉迷游戏而忽视了和人们的交流)?请举例并简述。
回答: indrudge in those intertainment shows and computer games do impede the communications between people who live closed.
 I concede that the ever-increasing use of technology does influent human interaction, as we spent much time on those inventions, we have little time to communicate with the people around us. However, technology offer us more choices for communication and make it more convenient for humanity connect with each other.
  First, I agree insofar as the fruquent use of technology decreases the connection between people who live together. According to a survey of Times, America families spend 3 averaged hours on televations and 4 averaged hours on computers and the time they spent on those inventions is still increasing, that means we spend 7 hours a day on technology and the time left to communicate with our family members, friends is decreasing all the time.
  However, it is technology that offer us more choices for communication. Take email for example, now we can communicate with our friends though email, even the place where they lived on are far from ours, we can send an email to them within one second. But in the past,if our precendences wanted to send a massage to their friends,  the only way they could chooose is sending letters.
  Last, technological inventions, like transportations, provide convenience to daily connection. If a businessman wants to meet their cooperaters or hold a business meeting, s/he could buy a ticket and efficiently modern transportation would send them to the place where they want to go in a short time. For exmaple, If you want to across the China from the north to the south, you need 4 months in the past. But with the help of plane, it only costs 6 hours to finish this trip. 
  All in all, I concede that sometimes technology reduce the interaction of humanity, but if we contrue ourselves properly, we can remove this affection. What is more, it is technology that gives us more oppotunities for communciating with different people and the modern transportations based on the technology offer convenience to connection.  So, in my opinion, the technology enhance the communciation and connection rather than reducing the human interaction.
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