GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:王珑
Some people believe that our ever-increasing use of technology significantly reduces our opportunities for human interaction. Other people believe that technology provides us with new and better ways to communicate and connect with one another. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
1. 在人与人的交流中,科技起到了什么样的作用(比如:工具、载体、干扰等)?试列举这些过程中的一些具体实例。
回答: 人与人的交流中,科技起着通信的桥梁,信息的传递的作用。首先,科技给我们带来了电话,网络。有硬件设施的话,我们可以在世界上任何地方与任何人通信,这大大方便了人们的沟通,让世界更加信息化。其次,比如电视和收音机这样的科技产物,给我们传递了前所未有的大量信息,使人们的学习跟多的知识,使信息的传递更加快速。最后,科技的发展使交通变得更加的快捷,方便,舒适。
2. 电子邮件和微博等现代交流方式的发展有什么特点?这些方式在现代社会人与人之间的交流中过程中起到了什么作用?请举例并简述。
回答: 电子邮件和微博等现在交流方式可以使你在任何时间,任何地点,无论你想联系的人在与否,都可以与之联系。这使得人与人的交流不受地域,距离,时间的限制。比如远离家乡的人,思念父母之际,可以打电话,上网即使通信。或者身在异国他乡,由于时差的问题,联系亲人的时候靠email就消除了时间的限制。
3. 可促进信息互动的技术发展,比如:汽车、飞机等载体,在现代社会人与人之间的交流中过程中起到了什么作用?请举例并简述。
回答: 交通工具是现代人的生活中不可缺少的一个部分。随着时代的变化和科学技术的进步,我们周围的交通工具越来越多,给每一个人的生活都带来了极大的方便。陆地上的汽车,海洋里的轮船,天空中的飞机,大大缩短了人们交往的距离。这些发明促进了古代社会的科技,政治尤其是经济的交流与发展,促进了古代社会的文明交流与融合。
4. 单向信息传递的技术发展,比如:电视、游戏等,在现代社会人与人之间的交流中过程中起到了什么作用(可从负面影响考虑,比如沉迷游戏而忽视了和人们的交流)?请举例并简述。
回答: 单向信息传递的技术发展,比如:电视、游戏等,都大大加速了人们信息的交流和传递。电视这种现代化的大众传播工具,具有多种社会功能。如,报告新闻、传达政令、传播知识、文化娱乐、传递信息、社会教育、社会服务等。电视具有传播的及时性,形象的纪实性,观众的参与性和节目的综合性。电视作为现代化的传播媒介,在信息传播的迅速、快捷、及时上,具有得天独厚的优势。电子录像可以现场拍摄,立即编用,及时播送。对于新闻事件、新闻报道可以同步转播,令观众及时看到事件的现场。运用通讯卫星传播,更可以把新闻事件在同一首时间向世界各地区电视交换中心传送,龚各国电视台选用。电视传播的及时性,是其他任何传播工具所无法比拟的。电视本身,是一个复杂而又广泛的社会交流系统。
          Interpersonal relationship is one of the most important resources in our life.You can get different kind of things form variety of people,like knowledge,wealth,experience,happy,sad and so on.furthermore interpersonal relationship in comercial world is very important,one businessman must acquire work information from other people.Technology acting as information messenger.Technology brought us phone,internet,it makes our comunication more fast and more convinient,let the world more informatization.On the other hand,invention of  radio and TV lead to fast transmit of a large number of information.Finaly,technolegy develop the transportation,release us from long instance travel and save a lotof precious time.The development of technolegy is beneficial for people to comunicate with each other.
     The appear of  E-mail and twitter make person very easy to comunicate with other people.Nomatter when and where you are,nomatter the person you contact on the line or not,you can send message to him,and he could recieve your mail immediately.If he is not on the line,he will see it when he is on line.For instance,when you are in the China,you want to contact a friend in American,you can send an E-mail,so it can eliminate the time difference.Therefore,these technology let us not limited by time,location and distance.Twitter let people know each other waht they are doing now.
   The development of one-way information transmission of technology,like TV,games,and radio.These technology accelerate the tansmission rate of news,message and information,provide great convenience for people to communicate with each other.TV as a usual communication tools,have a great variety of social fuctions.Such as news report,spread knowledge,culture and entertainment.Television can spread the information in time,let the citizens know what happened around the world immediately.By useing communications satellite transmission,it can rebroadcast the match to various regions of the world.Television has a property of transmit information timely,there is no other communicating tools could compared.TV itself is a complicated and extensive social communication system,so it makes our society grow fast.
  Traffic is an indispensable part of modern life.Along with the change of the time and the progress of science and technology,it provides great convenience to people's daily life.For instance,plane,train,ship greatly reducing the time which people spending on their travel.These invention promote the development of technology,politics and  economy,promote the boost the exchange and fusion of social civilization.
   Taking into account all these factors, we may come to the conclusion that technology offer us a lot of convenience to communicate to with one another.
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