GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:黄伊
The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people.
1. 你所处的社会都有哪些很有特点的思价值观?在生活中的衣食住行中会以何种方式展现出来?
回答: 对音乐,影视等名人的崇拜,看演唱会,买唱片,要签名。
2. 一个人的态度和兴趣爱好都会通过何种方式展现出来?
回答: 行为,表情,着装。。
3. 个人态度和兴趣爱好与社会整体的思想和价值观有什么共同点和差异?
回答: 个人的态度和兴趣爱好有时候受到社会整体的影响,既有相同的时候,也有不同的时候。
4. 外在的表现能否合理准确表达内心的态度、爱好、思想、价值观?哪些地方会造成理解偏差?
回答: 不一定,穿着,言行等等,有时候不一定能造成对某事物的正确理解。
5. 如果你去某地旅游或和某人交朋友,如果不能去观察对方(人们)的长相、面部表情、衣着和行为,在交流的时候会有什么不便?
回答: 不能准确的理解对方需要传达的意思,交流起来更加的不方便
I strongly agree with the speaker's assertion that we can know people's attitudes and interests from what they look, dress and act, and also know a society's ideas and values through its people's behaviors and appearances. While in some circumstances seeing is not believing, the way how people behave and look is a window for others to look inside their thoughts and values as well as the societies.
First of all, the aspects  and dressings of people  are typical ways through which their interests and beliefs are directly reflected. Modern Americans, for example, are inclined to wear T-shirt and jeans which seem concise and loose, which mirror a kind of way to live  comfortable and leisurely as well as a social and outgoing character. While in  Arabia, men often wear white abas and women use veils, black gauzes. These serious dressing styles naturally show their pious dedication to religion and a severe way of religious lives.  Thus, what people look mostly matches what they believe and think and the whole societies cultures behind.
In addition, behaviors are also good indication of the values and thoughts of individuals and societies. Also taking American as an example, when Americans meet each other, they loudly say hello to and even hotheadedly give a big hug to each other. However we won't see two native British hug or even shake hands with each other when they meet, instead of keeping a distance from each other. The differences in what Americans and British response when they meet reflects the distinctions in not only their individual characters-Americans are easygoing but British are solemn, but also their society values-Americans pursue freedom whereas British prefer seriousness.
However, behaviors and appearances are not always effective ways for others to assess their beliefs and values. Sometimes things are not the same as they looks like. Think about the most disastrous accident ever since Pearl Harbor, 911, if these terrorists looked and acted as they actually were, they would not have been permitted to aboard the planes, needless to say hijacking the them to crash the buildings. Nevertheless, In some multicultural countries like USA, Canada, hardly through behaviors and dressing of a certain group of people can we realize the whole nations a thoughts a values.
First and last, It works in most times that to rate the values and ideas of people and the societies they live from what they look and behave. For a better understanding of that, it is necessary to know more about other information such as geographic conditions and their history.
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