GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Octopus
The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society's ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people.
1. 你所处的社会都有哪些很有特点的思价值观?在生活中的衣食住行中会以何种方式展现出来?
回答: 中国素来有礼仪之邦的美称,因而有体现庄重、高贵思想的旗袍等。
2. 一个人的态度和兴趣爱好都会通过何种方式展现出来?
回答: 可以从服饰和外表体现。例如,喜欢穿西装的人比较正式和严肃,喜欢穿休闲装的人比较活泼轻松
3. 个人态度和兴趣爱好与社会整体的思想和价值观有什么共同点和差异?
回答: 个人的态度和爱好体现了社会整体的思想和价值观的基础,但又受到其制约。
4. 外在的表现能否合理准确表达内心的态度、爱好、思想、价值观?哪些地方会造成理解偏差?
回答: 不能够。比如国际化的情况下,许多国家的文化开始交融,外国人有的穿唐装,中国人也穿牛仔服,这时难以通过着装探究他所处社会的原本的价值观。
5. 如果你去某地旅游或和某人交朋友,如果不能去观察对方(人们)的长相、面部表情、衣着和行为,在交流的时候会有什么不便?
回答: 不知道对方的身份。
The apparel and manner, which serve as the external embodiment of the members of a society, is directly exposed to the outside world. These figures and gestures provide us a convenient way to learn the trend of ideology and valuas about a society. A further study, however, still needs an internal and deep explore, for the process of internationalization has overshadowed the initial picture of many cultures.
The attitudes and notions of a society can be sometimes easily understood through studying apparal of its members since appearence is the most obvious visual and external feature of an individual. An individual, anyway, yearns somewhat for others' attention and understanding. They will deliberately, if not unconsciously, leak some clues for other to explore their internal emotions. A person who is fond of business suits will be regarded as a man of sobriety and gravity, one who would like relaxing and causual wears, however, of activity and vigor. In Sillicon Valley, which has witnessed the foundation of several worldwide famous computer technological companies, the titans of these companies like Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, seem to be interested in T-shirts and Jeans suits, perhaps because these garment impress the public with a fashion and active figure. This example, shows a business attitude towards the field of high technology in America, that is, to keep a clear, energic and passional mind and to pursue a brave, positive and ambitious living style.
Not only the appearence of a society, but also the manner can reveal basic values and ideas of this society. Society means unification to some extent in terms of the environment. Its populace, educated with the roughly similar approaches, instilled with the approximately same religion beliefs, restrained by a uniform moral system and political codes and regulations, would behave more or less coherently. In the feodal society of ancient China, polite manners and behaviors were considered vital in communication, since they represented the symbol of one's social status. From the obversation of the regular politeness exercised by the lower classes to the upper, we can understand the rigid hierarchy of that time. Even today, when two Englishmen meet with each other, they tend to give a hug, an action of love or friendship. It is just because of the enternality of the manner, that provides us an indicator and dictionary of social rituals or peoples' daily routines.
However, when it comes to modern sociey, this issue seems to be not that clear. The internationalization puts every country into a superior "society" and in which, there exists few laws or regulations to restrain the cultural communication and even, assimilation. Thus, the different culture from various countries begin to mingle, which overshadows and even to some extend overthows the original form of culture of each country.In Chinatown of New York, plenty of Americans as well as other foreigners wear Chinese garments;meanwhile the uniform of capitalists has conquered more of the globe than capitalists itself. The international conference chooses business suits as its official garment, which originates from England. At the same time, the manner of hug mentioned above, has already prevailed over this world. You can hardly infer what a person or what their culture is through just studying what he wears or behaves. Maybe the answer could only lies in the remained historical records and relics.In this case, a further study direct into the internal constitution of a sociey seems to be indespensible to achieve more about its values or ideas.
Admittedly, individual manner and appearence provides us a straightfoward method to reveal one's social and cutural environment. But meanwhile it is also a signal of deprivation of our cultural legacy. Perhaps today, only through a deep study can we have a comprehensive perception about a sociey.
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