GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘旸
[Claim] The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models. [Reason] Heroes and role models reveal a society's highest ideals. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.]
[观点]了解社会特征的最佳方式就是研究那个社会所选出的英雄人物和榜样的特征。 [理由]英雄人物和榜样们展现了一个社会的最高理想。 [说明]写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE203"The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its heroines"。题目涉及三个关键点:社会特征、英雄人物和榜样的特征和最有效的途径。重点应当分析社会中的英雄人物和社会的特征是如何结合以及如何表现(社会如何推选出英雄人物是一个值得思考的方向)。对于是否最有效,因为必须确定一种标准才可以得到相对优劣,所以可通过对比、类比等方法进行论述。写作的时候过程中可以将思路放开,各个时期各个社会都可以考虑进来。
1. 你印象里英雄人物的特征都有什么?和问题二中核心特征有什么对应关系?可以结合实际的英雄人物简单分析。(TIME评选的二十世纪二十位英雄偶像:Muhammad Ali | The American G.I. | Diana, Princess of Wales | Anne Frank | Billy Graham | Che Guevara | E. Hillary & T. Norgay | Helen Keller | The Kennedys | Bruce Lee | Charles Lindbergh | Harvey MIlk | Marilyn Monroe | Mother Teresa | Emmeline Pankhurst | Rosa Parks | Pelé | Andrei Sakharov | Jackie Robinson | Bill Wilson)
回答: 展现人性的光辉,反抗命运的压迫,面对苦难依旧能够追求自己的理想;核心特征可能是社会上追求自由与平等,光辉人性等正面的部分;比如Emmeline Pankhurst,她的思想虽然激进,但是却动摇了时代,使得女性的权力收到了重视以及走向社会的机遇
2. 什么内容会是一个社会的特征?你认为现代的中国社会有哪些特征?如果选择一个或者一类人去代表某一个特征,你会怎样安排?当代的美国社会呢?古代的中国社会呢?
回答: 现代中国是可持续发展的国家,经济飞速发展,贫富差距大,光鲜的外表下隐藏许多问题。
3. 英雄人物相对于其他人有什么共性和个性?一个社会是如何挑选自己的英雄人物?请结合具体人物或事件举例并简单分析。
回答: 个性:一定要有非凡的勇气和正义感,其次要有卓越的才能。 共性: 具备正常的人性,也有悲欢离合大部分英雄其实都是政府挑选的,他们找一些符合社会意识形态,为社会做出贡献的人。 比如说中国的雷锋, 美国的马丁路德金
4. 如果让你去接触一个陌生的社会,你会尝试从哪些方面去了解那个社会?从哪最容易获得信息?从哪得到的参考信息更多?从哪分析了解起来更容易?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 这个社会里的大多数人都在干什么,社会的最基层,人民当中。比如想了解一个社会,就到它的最大的书店中看看最畅销的书是哪一种,到最流行的网络社区中看看人们在讨论什么问题
5. 什么是社会的最高理想?你所处的社会的最高理想是什么?哪些人可以代表这些理想?这些人在社会中的地位和作用是什么?
回答: 从实际出发,社会的最高理想是人人安居乐业,互相帮助,生活安定,社会中没有黑暗,处处光明。因此有这些特质的人就代表了这些理想,如见义勇为的人。这些人是这些特征的寄托,人们希望自己以及周围的人都能像这些人一样,因此才推崇其为榜样或英雄,使得更多的人能模仿他们
The speaker claims that the character of a society' heroes and role models reflects the character of that society for the reason that heroes and role models reveal a society's highest ideals.I tend to disagree,in my observation, heroes and role models could mirror the ostensible character of the society under certain circumstances.

Generally speaking,one particular type of heroes could mirror the character of that society.Such luminaries as India? Mahatma Gandi,America? Martin Luther King Jr, South Africa? Nelson Mendela, and Czech? Vaclov Havel come into mind.This unique brand of hero reveals a society's highest ideals and  does reflect,and indeed must reflect,the characters of the hero's society. Additionally,some role model created in a movie could also reflect the character of a society to some extent. For example, Forrest Gump mirror some characters of Americans that encourage people to lead a simple life,work hard and succeed.

However,there are two issues when people try to understand the character of a society by examining the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models.First,some alleged heroes and role models are created by some demagogues to meet some specific ideological needs.For instance, China' Mao Zedong was deified by Communist Party to overshadow the apocalypse from 1956 to 1976,in which millions of Chinese died of starvation and political persecution,and to maintain the despotism.

Additionally,fashion vanguards and trend idols, produced by consumerism and entertainments, reveal more bubbles of societies than mainstream values of societies.Take some sports heroes as the example,LeBron James,the famous basketball star,was overstated as a sports hero by NBA to attract more audiences and get more profits.Do the character traits of sports heroes mirror the mainstream values of societies  among our society at large?No,they simply reveal bubbles of societies.

Therefore,heroes and role models could reflect some ostensible characters of the society under certain circumstances.Yet most ordinary people would truly mirror the society.Just as China, idols and heroes created by demagogues,consumerism and entertainments could not represents China.Seven hundred million farmers and millions of workers and intellectuals could truly mirror the character traits of China.However,most of them is unknown to the whole society.

In sum,I concede that some particular types of heroes and role models could mirror to some extent.However,most ordinary members of a society would truly reflect the character of a  society.Thus,the best way to understand the character of society is to examine the character of most ordinary people,rather than some heroes and role models.
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