GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:邓馨
Governments should focus on solving the immediate problems of today rather than on trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE56,和老GRE的ISSUE3 "It is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations" 有类似的地方,都是阐述急需解决的问题和未来可能出现的问题之间的关系。不同的是,这里要讨论的是政府的行为。题目的分析应该从政府职能入手,论证政府为什么要解决当前的问题或未来的问题。
1. 有哪些问题是需要政府马上解决的?有哪些问题是可能会在未来发生的?请举例说明。
回答: 人民的温饱问题,军事问题,及较严重的经济危机,这些问题如果不及时解决会导致严重的社会问题,人民对社会不满意,导致社会动荡 国家在使人民生活较为满意的基础上,希望能获得更高满意度所考虑的问题,比如提高国家的某些基础设施情况等等
2. 政府的职能和责任是什么?这些职能和责任需要政府解决什么样的问题?请举例说明。
回答: 首先保证国民的基本生活得到保障,有饭吃,有屋住,有学上,使公民的基本权利得到保障,在此基础上使社会进步,人民生活水平提高 首先解决人民基本的生活问题。比如当国家的粮食供应不足时,就应该首先想办法拨粮食给该地,而不是想办法如何提高粮食产量
3. 目前存在的急需解决的问题具有什么特点?如果不解决会对社会、人民、政府造成什么影响?请举例说明。
回答: 人口问题。社会生存压力大,资源枯竭。
4. 未来可能出现的问题如果预先解决有什么好处?会带来什么负担和压力?请举例说明。
回答: 未雨绸缪,在问题发生之前就遏制问题的发生,减少损失。 政府的压力和负担过重,并且有一定的风险
5. 未来可能出现的问题如果现在不想办法解决,可能出现什么不良的后果?请举例说明。
回答: 当问题发生时不能全面应对
6. 政府面临的社会压力来自于何处?这些社会压力会用什么方法来调节?如果政府不解决社会上存在的问题,会出现什么结果?请举例说明。
回答: 公民及舆论,国际对其的看法。积极采取措施,或满足或镇压。公民不满,怨声载道
Governments should focus on solving the immediate problems of today rather than on trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future.
When governments face the choice between focusing on solving the immediate problems of today and trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future,I believe that most people will choose the former,which is the same as my choice and the right .
Facing such dilemma,what governments should do first is to make it clear what kind of affairs are called "immediate problems".In my opinion,"imediate problems" are concerned with citizens' survival.Because it is the basic problem of an individual living on earth,and if a government cannot assure this,how can they set up prestige.When the horrible WenChuan earthquick happened in 2008,President Hu came to Mianyang immediately,where the central spot was.Such measure impled that the situation in disaster area was of the vital importance,though President Hu was busy dealing with details of the Olympic Games then.Compared with lives of thousands people,an international sport game seemed not significant,though China had paid much price to get such oppotunity.
Besides,what is equal improtant is the fundamental standard of residents' living,such as adequate food and clothes,accommodation,health and education.All there are basic conditions for citizens' modern lives.If a government cannot meet such demand of its people,it is hard for them to keep trust and confidence to their government,which are the essential condition for a nation's stability.
In addition,military affairs are also significant because they are connected to citizens' security as well as a nation's existence.Experiences tell us that when war breaks out,all members of a nation are guading their motherland,no matter what condition they are under.All the nation's fund are allocated to military use because without nation,how can government and its people live.
However,I cannot deny that there are affairs that government must take measures to prevent before they happen.Like all the disasters.Because it is irresonsible for a government to ignore disasters that are preventable.When typhoon is about to come,the government should make sure that all protective measures are taken and there must be no one suffer.Also,some environmental problems,though are not related to our existence directly,considered about all our offsprings,and no matte how busy a government is ,they can never ignore such problems.
In sum,the governments' responsibilities are to assure their people's basic living,to protect their rights .Based on such situation,the government should try hard to make progress of the society to lead to better lives of its citizens.Thus,the governments must first concentrate on affairs that should be immediate solved today,at the same time do not ignore afffairs that must be nipped in the bud.After these ,the governments are supposed to deal with future events in  time.
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