GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:孙晓琳
Governments should focus on solving the immediate problems of today rather than on trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE56,和老GRE的ISSUE3 "It is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations" 有类似的地方,都是阐述急需解决的问题和未来可能出现的问题之间的关系。不同的是,这里要讨论的是政府的行为。题目的分析应该从政府职能入手,论证政府为什么要解决当前的问题或未来的问题。
1. 有哪些问题是需要政府马上解决的?有哪些问题是可能会在未来发生的?请举例说明。
回答: 马上解决的:突发事件导致的问题,比如说紧急的地震的救助问题,海啸的救助问题,以及各种丑闻。 可能在未来发生的问题:持续性发展的问题,比如环境问题,经济问题,医疗问题,税收问题。
2. 政府的职能和责任是什么?这些职能和责任需要政府解决什么样的问题?请举例说明。
回答: 维护一个社会的稳定,发展,维护国家的稳定和进步。需要政府解决普遍性的问题,比如环境问题,经济问题医疗问题,税收问题,社会保障问题Social security以及紧急事件导致的问题,还有外交问题
3. 目前存在的急需解决的问题具有什么特点?如果不解决会对社会、人民、政府造成什么影响?请举例说明。
回答: 紧急性,不解决就会导致更大的损失或者危机。 不解决会导致社会的不稳定,人民财产损失的进一步扩大及人民对政府的公信力Credibility会进一步的不信任,政府会遭受到很多的谴责和质疑。 比如说:中国的动车事故bullet train:train crash(train collision)回应民众的质疑问题。迟滞就会造成更多的怀疑。
4. 未来可能出现的问题如果预先解决有什么好处?会带来什么负担和压力?请举例说明。
回答: 比如环境问题,社会老龄化带来的经济问题,社会保险问题(aging of population)。好处:可以提前以较小的成本进行预防和调整,比如调整经济政策,改变社会结构,改变纳税政策,做好准备。会是现在的政府的负担加重,人民的负担也会加重,比如考虑到社会的老龄化,提前改变税收政策增加税收,会是人民的负担加重,不满加重
5. 未来可能出现的问题如果现在不想办法解决,可能出现什么不良的后果?请举例说明。
回答: 未来可能会造成更加严重的问题,并且难以解决,造成社会动荡,比如说老龄化问题带来的经济政治反面的问题,现在不想办法解决,未来的经济的停滞就难以避免,比如 日本经济的停滞Causes of Japan's Economic Stagnation20多年就有社会加速老龄化的问题
6. 政府面临的社会压力来自于何处?这些社会压力会用什么方法来调节?如果政府不解决社会上存在的问题,会出现什么结果?请举例说明。
回答: 政府面临的社会压力来自于民间的质疑和不信任,这些社会压力可以用政府的政策来进行调节,或者通过法律手段进行调节,如果不能解决社会上存在的问题,会出现极为严重的社会不稳定的后果。比如国家认同感的下降。比如伦敦的骚乱。
Governments should focus on solving the immediate problems of today rather than on trying to solve the anticipated problems of the future.
in some cases, some problems are not only extant but also exist in the the medical insurance problems, that the government try hard to provide as large coverage of medical insurance as better. Government focus on solving the immediate problems of how people could buy the ensurance, and whether there are overlaps of these medical insurance provided by the federal governments or the local states, and what is rate of insurance. And there is no doubt that in the future, the government has to deal with them under a different circumstance. Considering not only the medical insurance problems, but also other problems closely related to the human well-being, I can easily get a conclusion that some problems are extant all the time.
in some cases,
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