GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:潘潘落雨了
Some people believe that society should try to save every plant and animal species, despite the expense to humans in effort, time, and financial well-being. Others believe that society need not make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE242"Societies should try to save every plant and animal species, regardless of the expense to humans in effort, time, and financial wellbeing"。题目讨论社会对物种保护的责任问题,对比挽救物种和投入的人力、时间和财力之间的关系。话题和分析都比较简单,可以从物种保护必要性、社会责任、实际可行性等角度展开分析,然后将彼此衔接起来。需要注意两个关键词“ every ”、“ endangered”。同时也需要注意的是,本题很容易些写成类似ARGUMENT的分析,那样就偏离了要求——分析ISSUE TOPICE的时候,找出逻辑框架,在框架之内展开自己的分析,而不是ARGUMENT中对原有逻辑推理的分析。
1. 请分别列举几种“已灭绝的物种”、“濒危物种”、“暂时没有灭绝危险的物种”。
回答: 已经灭绝的物种:Dodo,扬子鳄,Laughing Owl 濒危物种: Blue Whale, Asian Elephant,Giant Panda, African Wild Dog, Green Sea Turtle, Asiatic Lion, Tiger, 扬子鳄 Chimpanzees 暂时没有灭绝危险的物种:Livestock,
2. 动植物物种对人类社会有什么意义?是否所有动植物物种都具有相同价值?请举例并简述。
回答: 1. 保护环境 2. 维持生态系统平衡 3. 可能对于人类来说价值不相同。例如蜜蜂和蚊子。
3. 如果放任不管,任由物种灭绝,将会导致什么样的后果?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 生态系统的失衡,对人类社会在经济上也是一种损失
4. 在社会挽救物种的过程中,都有哪些情况需要消耗人力、时间和财力?是如何消耗的?可结合具体事例简述。
回答: 熊猫。专门的工作人员,从清洁房间开始到吃喝拉撒睡,看病,联系,全不需要工作人员陪着。
5. 面对“物种对人类的意义和价值”、“物种灭绝的可能后果”以及“挽救物种可能付出的代价”,社会应当如何衡量利弊?在此过程中应起到什么作用?
回答: 物种对于生态圈的影响是巨大的。根据该物种的价值与挽救其应付出的成本相比较来决定是否要挽救。如果一个物种是由于人为因素而濒临灭绝,那么人类从道义上也有义务去挽救他们。如果不挽救,人类也会付出相应的代价。这样的话,我同意应当花大力气去拯救。当然这种事情还是应该看一国财政能力的限制,以及民众的意愿。
近年来常常听到有物种灭绝的消息,令人担忧。有渡渡鸟,有扬子鳄等。一度大熊猫也是濒危品种,而中国政府投入大量资金对其进行了保护。那么,我们是否应该不记成本地去挽救那些濒危物种呢?Recently, news about extinction of species could always be heard, worryingly creating many ecology . Dodo birds, Yangtze alligators. Giant panda, somehow a symbol of China, once nearly extinct, was saved by Chinese government by fiscal funds. The problem is, should we save the species, despite the expense to humans in effort, time, and financial well-being? In my opinion, for the endangered species that was died out of human activities, we should save them at the cost that less than the damage it would cause. Otherwise we can use the resources to do something else, such as compensate the extinction of the species--if it costs less expense. 
The famous extinct species called Dodo bird, used to live in Madagascar, was died out of human's incontinent slaughter. It was a misery itself, what's more, the extinction of Dodo bird triggered an extinction of a kind of tree. The tree could only use the stomach of Dodo to transfer their seeds. An scientist discovered this and they finally found another kind of bird to take place of Dodo.
At the very beginning of the development of Australia, people found that a kind of deer in an area were prey of wolves. To protecting the deers, their prey, people killed most of the wolves, they almost extinct. However, they found that the deer began to have baby boom, and the population of deer increased incredibly, finally this surge create an severe damage to the prairie, with an unexpected desertification.    
We can see that the consequence of the extinction of species is a huge problem of the ecosystem. Since it is always human activities that caused those problems, we have the responsibility to solve the problems. But should we save the endangered species despite the costs? I think it would be a wise way to compare the damage that the extinction would cause and the costs to protect the species. Since the damages are always big enough, and sometimes unexpected, it is alway necessary to save them.
In the first example that I gave, native people finally called the wolves back to prairie, which brought everything into balance again. In the second example, scientists finally find another kind of bird to replace Dodo, which can also bring the trees' seeds, saved them out of danger finally. We have the obligation to compensate the mistakes that we made. However, sometimes it is useless to save the endangered species regardless of how much the cost would be. We have to make sure that the live of species must deserve the effort that we made. Otherwise, it would also be a kind of waste of humans in effort, money and time.
However, as I said at the beginning, we should consider that some species are died out of natural selection. For example, dinosaur. It cannot live after the huge collision of an asteroid, was another kind of natural selection. Except to dinosaur, there are much more species died because of incapability of natural changes slowly, at a speed that cannot easily discovered by human beings.  In that case, this species is not needed in the ecosystem any more, accordingly, we have no responsibility to save them.
In conclusion, we should save all the endangered species that are going to die out because of human activities. But we'd better compare the cost and the impending damage to make to decision.
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