GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:freeboy
Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE185"Scandals -- whether in politics, academia, or other areas -- can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could"。题目讨论丑闻的作用,题目认为丑闻具有可以将人们的注意力集中在关键问题的正面作用,同时还将丑闻和演讲家、改革家做了对比。在分析的过程中,可以从丑闻对人们注意力的影响,人们关注丑闻之后注意力集中在什么问题上、在集中公众注意力的过程中演讲家和改革家的做法与丑闻的差异、丑闻在不同情况下对有着不同需要的人们的影响利弊等方面展开思考。需要注意: 1、丑闻不仅限于政治、学术,其他领域例如体育、文艺同样可以考虑; 2、在论述的过程中虽然可以给出其他方式,但不能无视题目给出的关键内容(丑闻集中大家的注意力于某问题上)而岔开话题自说自话; 3、题目中存在一个对比关系——丑闻和演讲家、改革家的对比,在论述的过程中不要忽视后者,同时注意不应孤立得去说二者各自的利弊,而是应当将二者放在一起通过对比、类比等方法将差异展现出来,这样才能说明哪个更好。
1. 请列举几个丑闻,并简述它们是怎样吸引人们的注意力,以及人们对丑闻引发的问题是如何对待或处理的?
回答: 毒奶粉丑闻让人们更加关注食品健康。
2. 在吸引人们注意的时候,演讲与制造或曝光丑闻两种做法之间有什么差别?同演讲相比,丑闻更吸引人们注意力的原因是什么?请举例并简述。
回答: 演讲是演讲者主动说出来的,丑闻是由媒体曝光。
3. 请举例并分析,是否有演讲者或者改革家曾经试图提出某些问题但是没能引起公众的注意,而这些问题因为某丑闻的出现而被人们关注。
回答: 例如演讲者试图引起公众对食品健康的关注,但毒奶粉事件使得人们更加关注。
4. 丑闻在将人们的注意力吸引到某问题的同时,对人们看待问题以及问题本身会产生哪些直接或间接的负作用?请举例并简述。
回答: 他会吸引人们大量的精力,例如,人们很喜欢八卦丑闻,而这些丑闻其实和他们没什么关系,只会占用他们的事件。
 The author claims that scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.In my opinion, scandals can reveal some dark sides in our life, which can improve our environment and enhance us to watch government, but scandal's disadvantages beyond advantages. Some scandals may not solve any problems, but waste our time.Further more, scandals will break personal privacy.
On one hand, scandals are useful because they help us to find some problems which we cannot notice in public life. Scandals can reveal the dark sides in our life. For example, toxic milk makes us to draw attentions on the health of food and the milk factories must be more responsibility on the quality of food if they want to go on running. The nuclear diffuse in Japan makes us to revaluate the safety of unclear, so the scandals can improve our security. Political scandals can help us to watch our government. Some people argue that the scandal cannot prevent the deprivation of officers, but I want to say that with the help of scandals, we can find deprivation of officers as soon as possible and deter them.
On the other hand, although scandals have positive effects, some scandals draw many attentions on public and impede people to do the things that are more important. An obvious example is entertainment scandals which often report the privacy of some stars. These scandals cannot solve any problems, just to cater to the curiosity of the public, and people do not care about the real difficulty of our society, like education problems. Some people will argue that there is no meaning even if we care about, but as a social person, we have duty to solve the problems and to care about will generate positive effects.
By the way, if we can only see the short side of a political, we will forget the good things he had done, which is not fair to him.In some cases, excessive attentions on scandals will override the privacy.
In conclusion, I believe that scandals have more disadvantages than advantages. Although it solves many problems in our society, it also takes us much time on some unimportant things. In the fundamental point, scandals break our privacy, which is not good for our society to develop.
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