GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:晚晴。
Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE185"Scandals -- whether in politics, academia, or other areas -- can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could"。题目讨论丑闻的作用,题目认为丑闻具有可以将人们的注意力集中在关键问题的正面作用,同时还将丑闻和演讲家、改革家做了对比。在分析的过程中,可以从丑闻对人们注意力的影响,人们关注丑闻之后注意力集中在什么问题上、在集中公众注意力的过程中演讲家和改革家的做法与丑闻的差异、丑闻在不同情况下对有着不同需要的人们的影响利弊等方面展开思考。需要注意: 1、丑闻不仅限于政治、学术,其他领域例如体育、文艺同样可以考虑; 2、在论述的过程中虽然可以给出其他方式,但不能无视题目给出的关键内容(丑闻集中大家的注意力于某问题上)而岔开话题自说自话; 3、题目中存在一个对比关系——丑闻和演讲家、改革家的对比,在论述的过程中不要忽视后者,同时注意不应孤立得去说二者各自的利弊,而是应当将二者放在一起通过对比、类比等方法将差异展现出来,这样才能说明哪个更好。
1. 请列举几个丑闻,并简述它们是怎样吸引人们的注意力,以及人们对丑闻引发的问题是如何对待或处理的?
回答: Lance Edward Armstrong, who has won the Tour de France seven consecutive times, was deprived of all his arona of championship and banned from competitive cycling from then on. 自行车赛使用禁药历史悠久,往往是不断地发现丑闻然后检测机构改进检测方法,修改条例来禁止新型的禁药。 PRISM scandal 引起了人们对于个人隐私的重视。prism揭露了美国政府对于人民的全方位监视,使得人们更加注意他们自己在网上的隐私保护。人们开始更详细地阅读所谓的注册条款,更注重自己在个人平台上发布的信息。
2. 在吸引人们注意的时候,演讲与制造或曝光丑闻两种做法之间有什么差别?同演讲相比,丑闻更吸引人们注意力的原因是什么?请举例并简述。
回答: 演讲:直接表达看法,带有演讲者个人的倾向和感情色彩,有导向性。 制造丑闻:直接释放事件内容,后续评论多方向多角度。与演讲相比,丑闻更能引发别人的思考和表达,每个人都可以传递自己的看法进行讨论,所以更吸引人注意。
3. 请举例并分析,是否有演讲者或者改革家曾经试图提出某些问题但是没能引起公众的注意,而这些问题因为某丑闻的出现而被人们关注。
回答: nuclear power 的安全性有很多电力领域专家持续提出质疑,希望停止,或是进一步将强核电站的安全措施,可是鲜有核电大国有所反应。知道日本海啸造成核电站核泄漏,东京电力公司所运营核电站的设备老化,安全等级不够play contributing role in this disaster。才让世界意识到可怕。德国立刻宣布停止核电等等。 非法食品添加剂。新闻宣传健康食品的标准和鉴别常识,但直到三鹿奶粉的事件,人们才意识到食品添加剂的危害并且改进食品安全检测的标准。
4. 丑闻在将人们的注意力吸引到某问题的同时,对人们看待问题以及问题本身会产生哪些直接或间接的负作用?请举例并简述。
回答: 食品丑闻吸引人们注意食品安全问题时,会让人对国内食品产生不信任。比如在奶粉事件后,许多家庭都宁愿购买国外进口奶粉而不愿意购买国内生产的奶粉,这样会使国内奶业受到影响。
It is true that scandals will attract people's eyeballs in all ways they could especially in this century, in which news can appear on not only the traditional media like newspaper or magazine, but also your phones and the homepage of  your browser. People read the scandals and respond in their own ways. Also, scandals can expose the problems or faults in their areas and urge the related department to solve. I strongly agree that scandals raise public's attention to the problems than the speakers do.
Scandals take less time than the speech do to pass over an area. Scandals spread over the whole world or the whole country in just a day, but it takes maybe a few weeks for a great speech to kindle the public's curiosity. For a speech, the speakers will organize their words in their logic. Naturally, audiences cannot absorb their point of view immediately because everyone needs some time to adjust his own mind with others. Also, speakers will bring in their own emotional inclination and their positive or negative judgement. All these elements contribute to the receiving information process not so impersonal. On the other hand, people always talk and discuss when they read the scandal. It is the discussion involved that makes the speed of scandal transmission so impressive. When people comment, they try to dig out the problems behind the scandal and appeal to solve the problems. Governments has to react to appease the public's indignation. In this way, the issue pulled out by the scandal will be solved.
Scandals force some related organization to respond effectively. Take the cycling competition as an example, maybe some new kind of dope can be default for all the competitors, but the scandal can make up the mind of the organizer of the cycling competition to improve the doping detection techniques. The scandal of Lance Armstrong, who won the tour of France for consecutive 7 years, was deprived of all his previous arona of championship and banned from competitive cycling for the rest of his life because of doping. This scandal has show the determination of the organizer of inhibiting doping and make the match more fair. Another example of nuclear power also shows the power of scandals. Before the leakage scandal of Japanese nuclear power plant, lots of speechmaker try to raise the awareness of the harm of nuclear power, but they failed to reach congruity with others. As the scandals gives people chances to think more about the safety of usage of nuclear power, some countries like Germany even announced that they stopped to use nuclear power.
Granted that scandals sometimes may lead unnecessary panic or even lit on distrust between people. That's why Chinese mother rush to purchase the milk powder originally produced by foreign country after the toxic additives of inland dairy product detected. However, scandals can effectively become a focal and help the problems solved. So I cannot agree more that scandals are useful in improving the society.
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