GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘旸
The best way for a society to prepare its young people for leadership in government, industry, or other fields is by instilling in them a sense of cooperation, not competition. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE46"While some leaders in government, sports, industry, and other areas attribute their success to a well developed sense of competition, a society can better prepare its young people for leadership by instilling in them a sense of cooperation"。题目可以有两个切入点,一是比较竞争意识和合作意识对于领导力的培养所起到的作用;二是不同角度对于领导力培养的不同认知。需要注意的是,竞争意识和合作意识对于一个人来说并不是水火不容的,可以综合地考虑对于领导力培养所需要的各种因素。
1. 描述一个在某个领域获得成功的领导人的例子,并分析为什么他具有这种领导力?你认为让他拥有这种领导力的是他的合作意识还是竞争意识,或是二者兼备?
回答: 乔布斯 在科技领域。因为他独特的眼光,对于产品质量的追求,执着,形成企业的核心。应该是两者兼备。与同行业的其他企业进行竞争,但同时与企业内部人员紧密合作,形成强大凝聚力
2. 什么是领导力?一个拥有领导力的人会表现出什么行为?这些行为是否和竞争意识或合作意识有关?请举例说明。
回答: 在给定的环境下,组织手下的人完成某件事情,并且能够平衡各方关系的人。行为:团结一个team内的每一个人,发挥每一个人的advantages,以及协调设计的各方的关系,需要合作意识eg一个网络游戏公司的老板,让手下的负责draftsmanship的,advertising的,customer service的,各司其职;行业内部与其他公司之间:竞争eg:与其他家游戏公司之间
3. 竞争意识能给人带来什么?它带给人的东西会和人的领导力产生怎样的关系(可以从正反两方面回答)?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 竞争意识能使人不断突破自我,努力上进,使个人获得更多的成就。但是,由于竞争意识会使人专注于自我的发展,从而破坏人的领导力。因为要领导一个团队,就不能仅顾自己,竞争意识不利于团队的合作
4. 合作意识能给人带来什么?它带给人的东西会和人的领导力产生怎样的关系(可以从正反两方面回答)?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 正面:能够准确识别各种人的优缺点,物尽所用,使整体效率提升;现代社会越来越需要这样的领导者,team 内,interdependent, 能够协调的人很好负面:使得人之间过于相互依赖,凡是不能够独立完成,推脱责任等;强调团队合作,感觉个人的力量很小,削弱成为领导者的想法。eg:总是参加集体的项目,使得以为凡是都需要大家相互帮助才可以完成,不利于领导力的产生
5. 培养一个年轻人的领导力需要考虑哪些因素?哪些因素是应该被强调的?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 要考虑社会因素,年轻人的学识,社会因素该被强调,一个人生活的社会环境是有潜在的影响的,比如中东的儿童可能每天面对暴力,所以很容易走向极端。
Which is better way to prepare young people for leadership:developing in them a sense of cooperation,or that of competitiveness?The speaker prefer the former approach. I concede that instilling in young persons a sense of cooperation is an effective way to prepare them for leadership.However,in my view,the speaker overlooked the importance of the sense of competition.Both cooperation and competition are critical to develop young people? leadership.

Undoubtedly,the sense of cooperation is an important quality of leadership.On the one hand,Leaders are responsible for creating an environment in which the overall effectiveness of the team reaches its highest.Without cooperation,leaders could not accomplish such a goal.For example,in the Manhattan Project,Julius Robert Oppenheimer and Enrico Fermi,as leaders of the research,not only made great contributions for solving theoretical and experimental problems of nuclear physics they faced,but also created a good atmosphere of cooperation,in which many gifted physicists involved could work well with others.Therefore the first atomic bomb could be  produced so successfully.On the other hand,as tomorrow? leaders,young people will face urgent social problems that cannot simply be solved apart from cooperative international efforts.For instance,all nations should cooperate in an effort to disarm themselves of weapons of mass destruction;to reduce consumption of the unrecyclable natural resources;and to eradicate poverty.Otherwise,we all risk self-destruction.In short,the sense of cooperation is a necessary quality of good leaders.

However,the sense of competition is another significant quality of leadership,which is tantamount to the one of cooperation. First,competition would be the driving force to progress for a team.Memebers will feel threatened if they find themselves left behind by others.And everyone in the team would maximally exploit his/her potential to enhance competitiveness.So the team would finally advance due to competition.Second,lacking of healthy competition,the members of a team might be less motivated to accomplish their own missions independently,and even become reliant on others excessively,gradually losing the ability to think critically.Ultimately,the competitiveness of the whole team would be weakened.Finally,the competition could also serve as a mechanism  for determining the most capable leader of a team or group.In a fair and competitive society,the most competent individual would be selected through competition.If he/she becomes the leader of team,the team would make great progress based on the importance of a distinguished leader for a team.Thus,the leaders of today society,which is fair and competitive,should have the sense of competition.Otherwise,the team would risk stagnating or developing slowly.

All in all,to prepare young people for leadership,we should stress instilling in them not only a sense of cooperation,but the one of competition as well.A leader with the sense of cooperation could make all the members work well with others to achieve the same goal.While competition is the antithesis of cooperation,the need or desire to compete with other is a common impetus that motivates individuals to organize into a group and cooperate with other to form a stronger competitive force.In short,both of them are required for leadership.

In sum,I fundamentally agree that the speaker? stress on the sense of cooperation.However,the importance of the sense of competition should not be neglected. Cooperation and competition are mutually exclusive and both of them are critical to prepare young people for leadership.
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