GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Traviss
Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
1. 怎样评价学习某个专业是否可能成功或者不可能成功?应该参考哪些因素?请举例并简述。
回答: 学习者的先天条件、后天努力以及适合程度。除了一些特定的身体残障会导致不能从事某些专业以外,一个普通人不会因为先天条件而导致完全不能在某个职业上成功。比如下体瘫痪的人肯定是不可能在跑步上成功的,但是大多数正常人都是可以从事跑步并取得成绩的。学习者的后天努力程度也非常重要,如果一个人不努力,无论他的先天条件有多好,有多么适合他选择的专业,他都不可能成功。例如我的一个朋友,乐感非常好,听完音乐很快就能写出这个曲子的谱,但是他并不在这方面努力,所以他必然不可能成为一个成功的音乐家。最后,适合程度很重要。比如,非让一个像木头一样极其不敏感的人学习文学艺术,这个人所能取得的成就肯定是极其有限的,因为文学艺术本身要求它的学习者是对于人类情感十分敏感的。
2. 如果没能形成正确的价值理念标准,而仅仅为了“成功”而选择专业,会有哪些潜在的问题和不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 没有形成正确的价值观念很容易选了自己并不真正喜欢的专业,进而产生的问题就是在学习的过程中毫无兴趣,在未来的工作中没有幸福感。例如,一个人把钱定义为成功,那么他很有可能会从事经济相关的专业。如果他本身不是一个对经济学等专业感兴趣的人,而只是简简单单的想赚钱的话。那么在学习经济学的过程中,他可能会遇到非常大的问题,他并没有动力去学习一些很难的内容,比如看得见的手和看不见的手。就算他勉强通过了整个大学的学习,那么在未来,就算他在未来的工作中也赚了钱,那么他极有可能是不喜欢他自己的职业的,这时他是没有工作幸福感可言的。而就像大家所认为的那样,幸福感是成功的一个极其重要的指标。
3. 除了为以后的成功做准备以外,在大学阶段,学生应该锻炼哪些其他能力?怎样进行这些能力的锻炼?请举例并简述。
回答: 为了毕业之后能够成功,一个人可能不仅仅是要学好专业知识。他还需要锻炼沟通合等人际交往能力。例如,一个人从事商务的人,对他来说,与人打交道时极其重要的一个方面。而如果一个人只知道学习专业知识,与他人交往有着巨大的困难,那么他很难在未来的成功。
4. 在毕业之后的工作和生活中,是否只有专业知识才是有用的?如果不是,还有哪些知识是有用的?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 不只是专业知识有用。对于人性的洞察,对于社会的认识也是非常重要的。因为一个光有专业知识而对周围的人与事没有理性的看法的人是很难成功的。例如,我的一个朋友Matt非常热爱数学专业,他的数学水平也非常高。可是他对他人的理解程度之低是令人发指的。所以,当他在从事教育行业时,他并不知道该怎么教会他人怎么去数学。
5. 教育机构应该对学生的学习和发展起到怎样的引导作用?都应该如何去做?请分析并简述。
回答: 教育机构不仅仅应该教会学生要去成功,更要的是要教会学生去成长。教育机构在教授学生专业知识的同时,还应该注意培养学生的独立思考能力,帮助他们去思考他们的成功究竟是什么,而应该以统一的大众的成功标准来衡量自己的学生。一个学习商务的人,可以在实际的商务活动中发挥重要作用,而如果这个人本身并不是很擅长与人打交道的,那么他也可以在教授商务相关知识的领域发光发热。而如果教育机构以统一的标准来衡量所有学生的话,势必会造成一部分学生的不健康成长,就更不用说成功了。
Education should one of the most significant matters for an individual and also for the society and everyone have some responsibilities to bear for education of themselves or others. To be specific, educational institutions do have assumed some great responsibilities for all their possible students. As a consequence, what responsibilities are supposed to be shouldered or not by these institutions becomes a controversial issue and some people specifically suggest that educational institutions should persuade students not to pursue the domains of study in which they are not likely to succeed. However, some crucial problems have to be answered before we could accept and follow this suggestion. First, what is success? Before you can scientifically define “success”, it is impossible for you to precisely predict one’s success or failure in certain fields of study. However, the criterion of being successful are difficult to unify even to identify, because it varies from person to person and also from profession to profession. For example, to some extent making more money could be a possible indicator of one’s success in areas concerned with economical study, yet it can hardly be correlated with someone who is a literature professor, who study is not evaluated by the money it can make but by the quality of its thesis, dissertations or works. On the other hand, for an economics student who is pragmatic and does not like theory study, the criterion of his or her could be really practical, like making more money or getting a high position in a company. On the contrary, for a student who is fond of theory of economics and is solitary and not social, success is more likely to be a professor in a university rather than to strive for something that are against their willing and ideals. Second, even if someone could scientifically explain what the universal success is, he or she is of little chance to reliably foretell other person’s success or failure in the future just based on analysis of one’s current situation. Although it is undeniable that in some extreme cases, you can foresee that one person is not possible to succeed in certain field, for instance a deaf student who wants to learn singing or playing piano, or a blind pupil who is determined to learn painting, in most cases, such prophecy can hardly to be dependable or fulfilled because things always change. For example, the world-famous Chinese artist, named Chen Danqing, had been dissuaded from learning fine arts by one of his teacher. But he was and is devoted into artistic creation and had not given up his struggle even and now he is enjoying fame and more importantly the pleasure of creating. In conclusion, educational institutions are not responsible to dissuade a student from entering into the fields in which they are not quite possible to succeed unless those institutions could provide scientifically identified criteriums of success in their fields and that they are completely sure the students are unlikely to succeed because of their extreme situations.
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