TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:12365
【IBT机经-41】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should give school-age children money for high grade they get in school.
1. 请结合时代环境,谈谈钱在这个社会的重要作用以及人们的金钱观?
回答: 钱是生存的必需品
2. 学生参加考试的重要作用是什么呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 查漏补缺
3. 请结合实际简述,金钱是如何发挥它的激励作用的?
回答: 有想买的东西,就能为了拿到钱而努力
4. 有人说,题目中的方法会增加孩子们学习的功利性,不利于孩子的健康成长,你是否赞同?请结合实际简述你的理由。
回答: 不赞同。为了学习而学习是枯燥无味的
5. 除了金钱的奖励方法,你认为还有哪些方法能够有效地奖励孩子们在学校的优异表现?请结合实际简述。
回答: 语言上的鼓励
As the competition of modern life becomes increasingly fierce, parents use kinds of tactics to motivate their children to study spontaneous and strive to get a high mark. Among all these tactics, money incentives has induced a heated discussion. As young children  are curious about new things and want to purchase the latest device, money may work as an impetus to push them. And totally I agree on the method that parents give children money as a reward for getting a high mark.
From the students point of views,it is a great motivation that we can get a little money if we  get a higher score.This money although not a large number is the approvement for our efforts.To my own experience,my parents always take this measure when I lose the passion to go to study and mostly it works.Everytime,I get tried,I would like to think about the things that I can buy after getting the award,then I were filled with energy.
However,some people stand on the opposite side that perfer to active studens in another way.Having a one day trip to museums or national parks is a contracting way,for instance.In this way,parents will not only have more time playing with me but also enjoy a relaxed time  because they are so busy and stressful at work days. 
In conclusion, using money is a good way as a payback for the students hardworks.
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