TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Tintin
【IBT机经-41】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should give school-age children money for high grade they get in school.
1. 请结合时代环境,谈谈钱在这个社会的重要作用以及人们的金钱观?
回答: Money is really important in the society. Having money, people can support their children for better education, can provide their families for comfortable lives, can enjoy their spare time through many ways such as traveling, going the the theater, go shopping, and having a meal outside and so forth. Most of people care about money now, and sometimes, they put money on the place in front of their families.
2. 学生参加考试的重要作用是什么呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: Examination is an important way for students to evaluate their study status in the whole semester, and they can adjust the studying approaches and understand the shortages in some parts of courses. Also, school will make an assessment to students and to encourage and contribute them to study better.
3. 请结合实际简述,金钱是如何发挥它的激励作用的?
回答: If you have money, you can get the things what you want as long as they are valued by money. Good materials or substances can make you feel satisfied in some situation.
4. 有人说,题目中的方法会增加孩子们学习的功利性,不利于孩子的健康成长,你是否赞同?请结合实际简述你的理由。
回答: agree, using this way for awarding students can twist the values of their children. They will think money is really more important than any other things and anything can be bought by money. Also, it's possible for them to use uncorrected way, cheating on exams, to get these money. More specifically, copying the work of other students, plagiarizing and bringing prohibited notes in to exams.
5. 除了金钱的奖励方法,你认为还有哪些方法能够有效地奖励孩子们在学校的优异表现?请结合实际简述。
回答: Using some specific substances or things they really want to get instead of money such as a mobile phone, a trip, or summer camp. Through praise or commend
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