GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:huyishu
Competition for high grades seriously limits the quality of learning at all levels of education. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE55原题。题目讨论高分竞争和教学质量的关系,是很常见的话题,但分析时要注意以下三点: 1、分析要面向各个教学阶段(小学、初高中、大学等)而不是单独的; 2、竞争不仅存在于学生之间,而且在教师、学校、社会之间同样存在; 3、分析的时候要避免偏激思路,虽然大家都是从应试教育阶段走过来的,但是要注意:可以排斥,但是言语不要过激。
1. 在不同的教育阶段(小学、初高中、大学等),学习质量指的都是什么?请分别举例并简述。
回答: 小学,学习质量是掌握的知识,比如认识的汉字多少,加减法计算的准确性。 初高中指的是对课本内容掌握的深浅,比如理科生会写氧化还原反应,会计算万有引力 大学,应该指的是个人掌握的技能,比如通信专业的同学掌握编程语言的能力,德语专业的同学要能如常运用,听说读写。
2. 学习质量需不需要评估?如果评估,可以用什么作为标准?如果不需要的话,又是为什么?请简单描述。
回答: 需要评估,质量不是由自己说了算的,需要一个标准来作为参考,将自己的水平与之对照。科学的考试可以作为参考标准,比如大家去考托福,检验自己英语水平如何。
3. 取得高分要要满足什么条件?需要做哪些准备?其中有什么是正当手段,有哪些是不正当的?请举例并简述。
回答: 取得高分需要扎实的掌握所考察的知识,稳定的临场发挥。准备,知识要好好复习,争取尽可能全面掌握,平时练习模拟考试,不正当的比如考试当时作弊,找人替考
4. 为获得高分进行准备的过程中,有哪些方式涉及了竞争?竞争的形式以及范围是什么?请举例并简述。
回答: 考前收集信息,参加辅导班都涉及竞争,比如我得知出题范围在某一本书内,我不告诉其他童鞋,自己偷偷看,比如补习班之间竞相应聘某个老师,或者枪学员
5. 竞争都可能带来什么样的结果?请结合具体事例描述。
回答: 竞争会带来共同进步,比如冷战时期的空间竞争,人类的空间探索在那几十年得到了长足的发展,不管是美国还是前苏联,在此领域实力都不容小觑, 商家竞争也可能损害消费者的利益,比如中国的乳品行业竞争激烈,利润不断降低,商家只好想方设法减少成本,比如掺点化学药品,最后坑了消费者。
6. 如果取消所有竞争机制,会有什么结果?请举例并简述。
回答: 取消所有的竞争机制,新事物不会产生,社会不会进步,比如商家之间不竞争,商家不会想法推陈出新,那么产品不会进步,比如手机市场,如果没有竞争机制,可能我们现在不会有智能手机
In China, if a teacher praises a student by saying that you are excellent, there will be no doubt that he means nothing but an excellent grade. My own experience can present most students's thoughts about education: Try hard to avoid making mistakes and thus get a high score in tests.However, as I grow older, I do not think like that anymore. students always overestimate the importance of grades and thus, they feel confused about the meaning of education.
Human resource managers often complain about the techniques of those fresh graduates who have high scores in colleges but cannot work out a simple project. I believe that the score mistreats the employers for high score does not indicate excellent skills. Last month, I went to a internship interview, the responcers asked me to write a C codes that solves the ranking of the given data. Different from any interview I had taken in which the responcer just asked you some questiones or gave a topic to let the candidates discuss. At the end of my interview, I asked why they organized the interview  in this way. They just smiled and said that scores were unreliable since if a student remembered the example code clearly, you can do well in the test.Realizing that my scores do not guanrantee my chance for good jobs, I felt that pursuing high scores while ignoreing the practical skill would drive me to desperate situations since good remarks cannot wholly reflect how much I understand the subjects.
Also, Overestimating the impact of high scores leads to the irrational competition. In China,from primary school to senior school, ranking, as a popular method to reflect how well a student does with his study, caused bad effcets on students. In Hubei Province, a junior student committed suicide last month for he could not bear the pressure of a low rank in his class, and the whole nation was astonished about the incident. In the early stage of education, students are not able to understand the meaning of competition correctly, and  thus, putting them into score competition does harm to them.
Although the good effcts of pursuing good marks cannot be ignored: It enhances students's interest to get knowledge as well as the efficiency of teachers, the degree to which students think highly of score should be considered carefull for the educators. Education is to enlighten not to restrain students ability and imagination.
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