TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:rhoda
Should governments spend more money on improving roads and highways, or should governments spend more money on improving public transportation (buses, trains, subways)? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.
1. 你对你的城市的交通状况满意吗?为什么?
回答: 不满意,随着生活水平的提高,人们的生活变得比较富裕,他们会选择自驾而不是乘坐公共交通工具,这使得交通拥堵很严重。
2. 你的出行不方便都是由什么原因造成的?比如说早高峰时,经过你家的公交车特别少等。
回答: 一方面是,回家能乘坐的公交车很少,还有经常坐那辆公交车晚上八点就停运了,很早,很不方便。 另外,有时候会堵车。
3. 你觉得你的城市的道路设计合理吗?它有没有给你的出行带来不便?
回答: 不是很合理。可能是由于前期的城市规划不够完善,使得道路较窄,很容易出现堵车。
4. 你对你平常乘坐的公共交通工具满意吗?如果不满意,为什么?
回答: 不满意,它八点就停摆了,如果要有个什么事耽误了一会儿,就没车坐了,而且,车上很脏啊。
5. 看看报纸或者相关网站,你所在的城市的政府最近有没有改善城市道路或是公共交通工具的措施,你觉得这些措施有效吗?
回答: 有啊,高架桥,隧道等很大程度上实现了分流,减少了堵车。轻轨、地铁的建立,有提供了一些出行的选择,和公交相比,他们会更准时,更安全。
With the improvement of life standard, more and more people choose to buy a car and drive to the office, which cause a severe traffic jam. The government wants to spend more money solving the problem and there are two methods: one is to improve the roads and highways; another is to improve public transportation, such as buses, trains, and subways. As for me, I prefer the latter one.
First of all, better public transportation systems, including buses, trains and subways, will encourage more people to use them rather than drive their own cars. This will reduce the total amount of traffic on the roads and make travel quicker for everyone. Experiences inform us that the terrible traffic has troubled us a lot and nothing can be more persuasive than my own experience. My mother always drives me to the school; frequently I get stuck on my way to the school in the rush hour; to make it worse, it usually take one or two hours on the road. That is too terrible. Therefore, if the government decides to make public transportation better, I am convinced that after the improvement, the citizens, including me, are more willing to choose public transportation because of the relatively low price and punctuality.
In addition, the improvement of public transportation will lead to the better protection of the environment. There is no denying that improving the public transportation will surely alleviate the pollution given off by enormous cars. Moreover, if a city has not a developed public transportation, the air will be polluted more heavily, which does harm to people’s health.
Although improving roads and highways also have its seemingly profound advantages, it still has some problems. For one thing, it will waste much more money and time, compared to the improvement of public transportation. Typically, it takes at least one year to build roads, and costs millions of money, which is bad for the further development of a city, especially in term of the financial burden.  For another, noise, dusts and more severe traffic jam during the construction of roads and subways will definitely influence people’s daily life negatively.
Judging from all the evidence offered above, we are now aware that we should take all the factors into consideration and draw the conclusion that it is the best alternative for us now to improve the public transportation. Only in this way can we enjoy quicker traffic and cleaner environment.
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