GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Jackiehong
It is impossible for an effective political leader to tell the truth all the time. Complete honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician.
本题讨论有影响力的政治领导和保持诚实之间的关系,题目认为有影响力的政治领导几乎不可能一直说真话,并且提出绝对诚实对政治家不是美德。在分析的过程中,可以从政治领导人各种行为对说真话和说假话的需要、不同场合情况下说真话和说假话的利弊、成为有影响力的领导人和诚实与说谎之间的关系等方面展开思考。需要注意:1、题目给出限定要求论述对象应当是政治领导人;2、区分第一句中的一直说真话不可能和第二句中绝对诚实之间的差别;3、题目给出的两个限定是“all the time”“complete”而不是简单的“讲真话”和“诚实”;4、在论述的过程中虽然谈及对于政治家的其他美德,但不能无视题目给出的关键内容(绝对诚实)而岔开话题自说自话。
1. 请结合具体的某位有影响力的政治领导人分析:在其政治生涯中是否说过假话?如果有,是在什么样的场合下为了什么目的而说的?其结果是怎样的?
回答: 蒋介石。重庆谈判中。为了争取更多的时间。其结果是导致失去民众,失去整个中国。
2. 对于一位有影响力的政治领导人,哪些场合说谎话要比讲真话更有利?好处是什么?哪些场合不讲真话是必要的?请分别举例并简述。
回答: 两国敌对时,涉及到国家利益。 国家危机的时候,使得人民有信心。
3. 绝对诚实对于一个政治家来说,会有哪些正面或负面影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 赢得民众的相信,毕竟诚实嘛。但是会给自己的生活带来很大的不便,如果民众对你的private life 感兴趣呢,你也绝对诚实嘛。 再者人无完人,当你彻底暴露在民众之前时,可能民众会发现领导人的很多不足,这样可能反而会使得失去民众的尊重。
4. 如果一个政治领导人保持完全的诚实,这会对其自身、所领导的政党或国家带来哪些问题?请集合具体事例阐述。
回答: 动摇民心,泄露国家秘密。
The speakers asserts that because of the impossibility of telling the truth all the time for an effecitive politican, complete honesty do no good to the politican. At the first glance, this contention seems to be somewhat convincing, but further refelction tells me that I cannot agree with that. In my point of view, politicans, in some special circumstances, may not to be telling the truth, but this does not mean that honesty is not useful for a politician.
 Politicians, considering the special career requirements, may have to shun speaking out the truth. For the interests of their party, nation or the public, the politicans leaders occasionally are forced not to talk about something as it actually happens. Even in some circumstances, not telling the true is essential as well as useful to the public.On the contrary, if telling the truth to the public all the time, it is quite possible to lead to something detrimental,like the panic in the public, politicians' loss of credibility or damaging the country;s interests and so on, to happen. Thus in some sense, avoiding to tell the truth may seems to be a white lie, just like what the Japanese authority did after the disastrous earthquake, with the magnitudes of 9.0, causing a terrible crisis of nuclear reactors. At that moment, if any of the nuclear plants were to release radioactive material, it might manufacture a new whole level of catastrophe. In this situation, instead of telling the public how serious the crisis of nuclear reactors were, the authority took actions to evacuate the people near the plats and try best to clam the public. It is rather unadvisable to accuse them of not telling the the truth about the nuclear reactors. So a lie is is like throwing dust in people's eyes, which prevents people from finding the ugliness hidden behind; but a white lie, just like our parents' keeping informed us of lots of bad about the Internet when we are at early age to protect us from having access to the scenes of violence and sex.In a word. Still another case is that when people just ask something about the privacy about an politician, should they tell the truth? Obviously, the answer is "No".In a word, considering the the interests of the nation or the public ,telling the truth all the time is impossible for an effective politician.
However,we can never infer hereby that honesty is useless for a politican.First of all, as we all know, we have observed many politicans to avoid telling the truth, but this does not deny the fact that they themselves take, others also agree , honesty as useful virtue for them. Moreever, we cannot equal "not to tell the truth" with "to lie", because a person can still keep silent, show partially the true color of the matter in question, or choose to tell the fact in a roundabout way rather than lie. In addition, when we say honesty as a useful virtue for a politican, we mention it as an ethical problem bottem line for anybody, including surely all politicans. Such an ethical rule is effecitve even all poticians under certain pressure choose to lie.Honesty, as an virtue, will never lose its usefulness and those who ignore the importance of honesty shall smart for their foolishness and lacking of foresight. Chiang Kaishek, the president of The Republic of China during 1927 to 1945, told lies to the public about the facts about the War of Resistance against Japan , the economy of China, and the coexist with the Communist Party peacefully. As a consequence, he lost the hearts and minds of the people and lost the status of China.
In sum, Avoiding tell the truth is based on the consideration of the interests of the whole nation and the public. And only in this way can be better to the development of the whole country,thus maximize profits of the country and its people.Meanwhile, there is no doubt that honesty is a good character a effective politician should own. A really effective politican is one who can always say calmly that "Yes, I'm honest before my conscience," but meanwhile skillful utters "No" before a fact at the call of special conditions.
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