GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:huyishu
The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE159原题。题目讨论人类思维与机器之间的关系,是很多科学幻想都会触及的一个疑问——人类思维是否永远高于机器,机器会不会有一天超越人类,而不再是简单的工具?相关方面有很多素材以及经典讨论,而且也是大家比较熟悉的话题。写作时应当注意:不要发散太多,ISSUE依然是在逻辑上的分析;对于AW,类似于 academic writing,所以引用的例证不要太古怪。
1. 人类思维和机器相比,有什么共性?二者各自有什么个性?
回答: 人类思维与机器都是遵循一定的规则做事, 机器只遵守指令,按部就班的做事, 但人类思维可以跳跃
2. 人类思维和机器之间是什么关系?
回答: 人类把自己做事的过程移植到机器,让机器替自己完成工作,比如计算器
3. 人类思维有什么不足是机器可以弥补的?机器在哪些方面超越了人类?
回答: 人类思维的速度不如机器, 机器在效率上超过了人类
4. 机器有没有哪方面存在的不足注定了其不能超越人类思维?这些不足能否通过某些方式来弥补?
回答: 机器的运行很死板,没有变通
Human mind or machine, which is smarter? That is a question has been discussed for many years. Basically, I believe that human intelligence is prior for it is human that designs machines to help solve problems. However, no one can deny that machines are more useful under some scientific circumstances.   Human minds are superior than machines for humans know how to use these tools. People have the desire to free themselves from heavy work and to do their work more efficient so that they intend to use machines to replace them to do some simple and repeated work. When scientists do research, they know how to use some kinds of machines to reduce their workload. Geologists use computer to analyze the massive data they collect from rock samples to picture the climate fluctuation in the past million years. Archaeologists, instead of looking through all the ancient documents, use carbon dating to determine the actual age of a ancient site. It is obvious that without using these tools, people may slow down their pace of knowing the past or cannot achieve success in scientific fields.   Also, human minds are smarter because they can do analysis that the machines cannot complete. In fact, machines can be seen as a simple-mind worker: it can do something by following instructions but it cannot find out what to do except the requirments. When it comes to the study of literature, machines seems to be less able to help solve problems. Study of literature mainly relies on human minds because it is not about a specific formula or a general principle. It needs reconstruction of the work's background .It needs analysis about other works in that period. It needs to link the work to the writer’s life. All of these, however, are beyond a machine's ability.   However, exceptions do exist. For one thing, we rely on calculators to help us solve basic mathematic problems. Sometimes we have no confidence about our ability of calculating. For another, it seems that we cannot master the machines designed by ourselves, like the out-of –control nuclear plants. But there is one thing to remember: we invent the calculating machine, and behind the screen showing the results is our intelligence. We can avoid the threats of nuclear power by improving the design of the reaction.   In conclusion, I agree that our human minds are intelligent than the machines we make, although machines are more useful in some aspects than our minds. After all, machines embodies only part of our intelligence.
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