GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:huyishu
Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
1. 怎样评价学习某个专业是否可能成功或者不可能成功?应该参考哪些因素?请举例并简述。
回答: 参考该专业的职业前景,以及学习的难易程度 和学习所花费的时间,比如医学,学习的时间很长,知识内容也很多,工作的强度很大,并且需要不断进修,和其他行业相比,很难功成名就
2. 如果没能形成正确的价值理念标准,而仅仅为了“成功”而选择专业,会有哪些潜在的问题和不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 可能导致人们都选择某几个专业,即使他们的兴趣不在那儿,那么他们学习起来不一定有动力,不愿意花时间研究,也就很难取得成就,例如经济学热,很多人选择商学院是因为毕业后从事投资银行业可能挣钱更多,他们并不热爱这个行业,反而有时痛恨,他们沦为了赚钱机器
3. 除了为以后的成功做准备以外,在大学阶段,学生应该锻炼哪些其他能力?怎样进行这些能力的锻炼?请举例并简述。
回答: 学生应该学会处理压力,学会沟通,并且要坚持。 处理压力,和坚持在学校里的平时课业上就可以体现,有时候会同时面对好几个论文,阅读量很大,所以压力比较大,如果学生能够处理好,这是对抗压的最好训练。 沟通,其实包括和教授在学术问题上的交流,与同学或舍友在人际关系问题上的交流。
4. 在毕业之后的工作和生活中,是否只有专业知识才是有用的?如果不是,还有哪些知识是有用的?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 不是只有专业知识才有用。专业知识很重要,因为从事软件行业,你需要一定的软件技术知识才能找bug,调试, 但是遇到团队合作,你需要与成员交流 展现你的想法时,你需要present.
5. 教育机构应该对学生的学习和发展起到怎样的引导作用?都应该如何去做?请分析并简述。
回答: 教育机构应该教会学生成功的必备品质,学生要有humanism
When it comes to the topic of education, no one would deny the huge importance of educational institutions. We learned the basic ability to read and calculate in primary school. We get specialized  training in a certain field in college. We may also start out with the first self-made meal in a cooking trainning class. But regarding to the responsibility of educational institutions, I disagree with the claim that institutions have to tell their students, what to do or what not to do especially in colleges or universities for three reasons.
The first reason I hold is that the true responsibility of educational institutions does not lie on preventing the possibility of failure, but on theaching students what is the basic requirment of being successful. Only focusing on success may sound utalitarian, and we do not want schools to become factories of producing similar successful men. In fact, schools, especially colleges and universities, should train  their students in the aspects such as the  ability to success, and  train them to be hard-working, decisive and brave.Every summer in the graduation ceremony, it is not hard to find from the graduate's speech that they cherish their college life not because of the specific knowledge they have learned, not for the big chance to make money or earn huge fame in the future career, but for they have learned how to prepare themselves for succeeding in the future. Hence, I do not think educational institutions have to prevent their students from the less-possible- to-succeed fields since that is not what studdent want to get from education.
Second, I disagree with the word 'unlikely to succeed' for the reason that any educator cannot  predict what will be viewed as success in the future. None of us has the ability to predict the future so that judging the future on the basis of today's view seems to be unpersuasive. For example, in the 1960's, computer science as a new displine, were not known to be a bright filed for  most of students. At that time, choosing this field may seem dangerous for one's career. However, no one could see that the computers are indispensible in today's life. Things once seemed impossible become possible. If the teachers and faculties at a 1960's college dissauded the students for choosing computer science, their students lost the chance to glorify in the later time. 
Third, instead of making decision for the students, the teachers should help them analyze the situations. Under any circumstance, teachers should be advisers not the designer of student' life. The student is the only person who has the right to decide what he wants to be to blossom since others cannot live the life for him. For example, when a student want to choose archeology as his major, the teachers or advisors should help him to the job prospective ,the salariy level, the research condition instead of just briefly saying that digging the ancient sites is not likely to earn fame and money. Indeed, suggestions of choosing acdemic field is important but not the most important. Thus, educational institutions do not necessarily prevent their students from the hard work witch seems to have no bright future now.
In all, I want to say students get education  for the desire to be a good person. A well-educated human means the person has the ability to accomplish in a certain field as well as the ability to find his way in some unlikely-to-succeed fields. Thus, teachers or schools should provide the chance for their students to try instead of preventing them from possible failure.
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