GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:huyishu
It is more harmful to compromise one's own beliefs than to adhere to them. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE35"No matter what the situation, it is more harmful to compromise one's beliefs than to adhere to them"。题目可以从两个角度来进行阐述,一是“是否应该坚持信仰”,二是“放弃信仰是否比坚持信仰更糟糕”。观点一定要明确,并且从坚持或放弃信仰的条件,优缺点等角度进行思考。
1. 什么是信仰?你有什么信仰?描述一个自己或者别人的信仰。
回答: 信仰首先是一些你的cherished conviction,guiding your action giving you courage to move on when facing hardships. For some great revolutuioners,Nonvoilence revolutions are their belief, they believe the society can change not entirely relying on blood and fire, they can find a peaceful way of improvement.
2. 坚持信仰有什么好处?有什么缺点?请分别举例说明。
回答: 坚持信仰让人顺利度过逆境,比如shawshank redemption里的Andy,始终坚持着信念他的人生不该在监狱里虚度,向往自由,最终离开了那个牢笼。 坚持信仰有时候
3. 哪些因素会导致人们放弃信仰?这样做有什么好处?有什么缺点?请分别举例说明。
回答: 外界的困难,比如贫穷,饥饿,绝望的现实 有时候放弃信仰是顺应了时代的要求,更好的适应时代才能抓住成功的机会,business field, In the past the media fileld had an strong belief that the verbal information can only be convey the printed paper.many entrrperneur inhereted the business from their father,and they had a strong faith to maintain it.But when the business model cannot apply to the current capitalism market, the businessmen insisted on the origianl models and did not plan to adjust or to change, the business will become a failure. Many traditional media titans give up their belief of news paper means the printed paper and turned to digital verson which customers can download it to their Ipad or Iphone. That brings vitality to many traditional printed media like the NYT, or the economist. Abandoning concentration on traditional belief enables them to reach more customers and achieve huge profits.
4. 在什么条件下,人们应该坚持信仰?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 面临困境时,信仰支撑人们度过困难时光。 In prison or in war time.
5. 在什么条件下,人们应该放弃信仰?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 面对机遇时,因为旧想法不适应与新的机会有
If we talk about belief, we cannot avoid the topic of compromising or adhering to what we believe. The claim says compromising is more harmful than insisting. However, from my point,we have to learn to compromise for adhering to belief may birng harm. 
Adhering to one's belief may let a person go extreme. While compromising may prevent this. From this point, it is true that adhering to beliefs may be worse than compromising. If one insisits on his belief, whether it is right or wrong, he may do something that may harm the safety of the society. Terrorists are the typical examples. They believe that their explanation about peace, about race independence is true. Thus, they are willing to do anything under the guiding of their cherished beliefs, even these actions may harm others and even sometimes require them to sacrifice their own lives. We can often read such events that two terrorists killed themselves as the human bombs. Everyone who know the news may wonder: what if they do not adhere their wrong belief? They may enjoy the peaceful life as others. They do not need to kill themselves in a yong age. Therefore, we can see that insisting on his belief may bring negative consequences since a person may go to extreme easily and do something that have bad effects.
Also, we  know that the dream and reality have differences so that we have to adjust our belief and our dreams. Thus, here comes the necessity of compromising: we have to adjust our goals to adapt the reality. For example, for an ambitious running player, he may hold the idea that he can run 10000 meters a day in his training. But considering the reality, his body condition, he has to compromise and adjust his plan of ruuning. He may have to shorten his training distance at first, and then add the distance little by little. From this, we can say that compromising brings no harm but good consequences. Only by seeing the real condition clearly, can we achieve our goals step by step.
However, in some situations, compromising may even more harmful than insisting. Since our belief is something that we have strong faith in, we may live under the instruction of our beliefe. If we give up, we may find our that our life is losing direction. Consider a person who believe that working hard leads to good life. And he always works hard to achieve his dream of goo life. But one day he compromises and he starts to think that working hard brings nothing than tireness. Then he may not devote to his work since he loses the motivation which encouraged him in the past. Thus, losing one's belief can be dangerous, since  people may not behave well when he suddenly compromise and abandon his belief.In all, I do believe that compromising or adhering to one' belief may do harm to a person. As to whether is worse, we have discuss case by case. Also, we cannot deny the importance of compromising in life. In a word, things about beliefs are complicated.
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