TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:littlesky
【IBT机经-19】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is more enjoyable to buy a new technological device when it becomes available than to wait until many people have owned it.
1. 请结合实际简述,科技产品一般指的是什么东西?它的特点一般有哪些?
回答: 运用最新技术制造的方便人们生活的产品。 能够提高人们的生活品质 耗费的资源更少 有很大的发展空间
2. 这些特点和其他产品有什么不同?请结合实际简述。
回答: 电子书可以储存上百本书,方便携带,保护环境,节约木材资源,能够根据个人需求设计各种外观。
3. 请结合具体事例简述,人们购买科技产品的目的何在?这些目的是否会影响到人们选购的时间,为什么?
回答: 为了提高目前的生活水平,比如对于喜欢阅读的人,能够随时随地找到自己喜欢的书,而不用背一大箱的纸质书。 会,如果想要尽快体验这种生活,甚至是这款产品的粉丝,则会排队等待这款产品。
4. 购买科技产品时应该考虑哪些因素?请结合实际简述。
回答: 价格,在自己的可承受范围内 是否需要,真正能方便自己的生活,而不仅仅是好玩 环保,是否能达到节约资源的目的
5. 如果一个人的经济水平有限,那么一味地追求最新的科技设备是否还合适呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 不合适。超过自己的经济水平去追求最新的科技设备,生活压力更大,对于科技设备今后更新的费用也是很有压力的。
With the development of technology and economy, there are a number of technological devices with pretty case and perfect design end to end list in the market. Some people hold the point that it is more enjoyable to buy a new technological device when it came to market force. On contrary, some people agree that waiting until many people have owned it.As for me, a university student, I support to wait until technological devices become more common. Because it will bring some benefits such as real utility and provide people with conveniences, saving money, more perfect and less bugs and more.All of us would like to buy new technological devices for helping our living and reducing human labor. But we not make sure whether new technological devices could save labor or need more energy. For instance, a microwave oven, is a kitchen appliance that heats food by dielectric heating accomplished with microwave type electromagnetic radiation that is used to rotate and heat polarized molecules in food. As it was invented, no one considered it will make human life easy and relaxing. So if we buy a new technological device when many people have own it, which means that it really help for human life.Most technological devices will have discounts after enter the market one or two months. If we want to hold a high technological device as low price as we can get, no doubt waiting until it not the selling product. We know that the iPhone 5 is a touchscreen-based smartphone developed by Apple. It is the sixth generation of the iPhone and succeeds the iPhone 4S. The phone is a slimmer, lighter model that introduces a higher-resolution, which acuses many people expecially young people favour. However, buying a iPhone 5 needs wait in a long line and big bucks when it just come into markets. If we can wait patiently one or two months, we will enjoy a discount price and without waiting in a long line.Last but not the least, technological devices need testing periods to improve themselves by users. It is impossible that using any technological devices at same time avoiding all bugs. We all hate bugs especially in the devices what we will use everyday, such as mobile phone, computer, e-book and more. The results from the Market Analysis Association of China show that over 90% technological devices will have same bugs or quality problems after come into markets two to six weeks. Over 86% companies will continue to build their products after push them to the market. A consultating office boss, Vivian Li, suggests customers should buy technological devices after many people have owned them.Although some people want to hold it for their curiosities and think which is also a life style. I still insist there are some other ways to satisty our curiosities, for example, having a try in the shop for experiencing. So I prefer to wait until many people have owned technological devices rather than to buy a new technological device when it becomes available.
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