TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:jim_622
【IBT机经-19】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is more enjoyable to buy a new technological device when it becomes available than to wait until many people have owned it.
1. 请结合实际简述,科技产品一般指的是什么东西?它的特点一般有哪些?
回答: 科技产品可以指手机,电视,电脑等,它们的更新换代比较快,很容易就被淘汰。
2. 这些特点和其他产品有什么不同?请结合实际简述。
回答: 他的技术并没有成熟或完善不像是汽车,或是锤子 斧子一样,几千年,几百年都不变,而新科计产品就不同,往往几个有就有更新的产品出来。
3. 请结合具体事例简述,人们购买科技产品的目的何在?这些目的是否会影响到人们选购的时间,为什么?
回答: 更好的享受到科技带来的方便,而且是一种时尚的东西,他们会在第一时间选购,因为要紧跟时代的脚步,他们也不缺钱。
4. 购买科技产品时应该考虑哪些因素?请结合实际简述。
回答: 安全,价格,是否自己真正需要。科技给人带来很大方便,但有时他也形成诈骗,所以在用的时候一定要注意安全。
5. 如果一个人的经济水平有限,那么一味地追求最新的科技设备是否还合适呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 不合适,已经超出自己的实际收入水平,而且既使是买了,过几个月又有新产品出现。
Now the technological equipments are very convenence for our daily life, we can't leave that. We use smart phone to pay our bill, and use kindle to read e-books. Obviously we use more technological device rather than traditional way. But someone will buy new technological device as long as it is avaliable.
I don't think it is right that to buy a new technological device before it is popular and many pepole have owned it.
First, it will sell out at agreat reduced price in couple monthes later. That means it can't maintain high value. As we know, after iphone, there are many other brands of smart phone. They are competion with each other, so the manuaftering will reduce the price to make their product seems more attactive. And they also produce new serious products better than old one. So after the new product was avaliable, the previous generation products will give a discount.
Second, the technological equipments are not mature technology. For instance, the hammer that we have been already used for thouands of years, and in such long time, we did not change it anyone. so the hammer is a mature equipments. As for technological equipments such as ipad, iphone, computer, e-reader, it change all the time, after sever monthes a new product was avaliable. That's why I'm not suggest to buy new edition products. if you were buy it, after sever monthes it would have become old edtion. 
I know for the technological equipments are fashion and popular, we can't content out selfves, after every many people have it, but it costly and hard to chase fashion. 
So, for me, it is better to buy it after everyone had it .
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