TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:littlesky
In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.
1. 你或者身边的人学生时代打过工吗?都做过什么样的工作?
回答: 有,销售员,餐厅服务员。
2. 你们为什么会那时打工呢?
回答: 增加社会经验 赚取零花钱 减轻家庭负担
3. 打工经历让你学到了什么?
回答: 任何看似简单工作都有很多东西要学 团队合作
4. 你们打工时有没有一些不好的遭遇?遭遇过什么?
回答: 有,很努力了成果却不明显 被老板责骂 因为自己的失误造成了损失
5. 这些学到的东西对你以后的人生有什么启发?
回答: 学生应该多接触社会 社会能够给学生很多学校学不到的知识 独立自主的能力
With the development of economy and increasing competitive market, some people hold a point that teenagers should have a job when they still students instead studying all day long. As a student in university, I think it is true. Teenagers should have jobs as time as they are students. We can get not only more money and realize our value, but also make new friends from kinds of jobs.Firstly, having a job will help us to earn more money, which we can reduct our families' financial burden and buy something we like. For instant, a roommate of my domitory in university, he is from a poor family. Once he wanted to buy a new cell-phone but not enough time. He would not ask family, so he found a part-time job as a salesman in a supermarket. He is so clever in selling that catch a great saleroom and make enough to buy a new cell-phone. Without this job, he can not afford a new mobile phone.Secondly, we can realize our social value from jobs. Jobs provide platforms that we can show our skills and talents. Tang Jun, a successful professional manager, served as the president of Microsoft China Co., Ltd. from March 2002 to January 2004 and the general manager of Microsoft Asia product support and service and Microsoft Global Technical Engineer Center from January 1998 to March 2002. He has received various honors, including China's Number One Chief Executive Officer in the Media Sector. He started his jobs when he was a university student, if not the experience of those jobs, he can not catch these honours.Thirdly, we also can make new friends from jobs. A job need teamworks to perfect so that we will get friendships in these processes. The result from the Technology and Society Assocation of China shows that over 90% people believe that they can find new friends from teamwork jobs. Over 74% people think it a good to find a good friend from teamwork. For example, Nihao and Wobuhao, two persons in China history, become good friend like damon and pythias when they they came to build a place. Without the building team, they could not meet not to speak of get strong friendship.Admittedly, teenagers do not take jobs has one advantage that have enough time to study. Nevertheless, doing a job is a course. For one thing, it helps us know the facts of society, let me understand how to integrate into society. For another thing, it give us opportunities to make sure what job is our favourite job. So I strongly feel teenagers should have a job when they still students, which is very good for their future. 
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