GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:huyishu
The general welfare of a nation's people is a better indication of that nation's greatness than are the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE170"The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but the general welfare of all its people"。题目讨论国家伟大的体现形式问题,题目认为相对于个人成就,全面福利才是国家伟大的最真实体现。在分析的过程中,可以从统治者、艺术家、科学家的个人成就以及全民福利都可以展现国家哪些方面的内容,这些展现的表现形式、彼此之间的关系以及概括性、真实性等方面展开思考。需要注意: 1、无论在论述统治者、艺术家、科学家的成就还是全民福利,论点都应该在讨论的是the surest indicator; 2、题目给出的是achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists而不是国家的艺术科技政治水平,分析要针对某人的 achievement; 3、对于此题这种对比型的题目,需要注意不应孤立得去分析二者各自的利弊,而是应当将二者放在一起通过对比、类比等方法将差异展现出来,这样才能说明哪个更好。
1. 请列举历史上的几个伟大国家、这些国家统治者、艺术家、科学家的成就以及全民福利情况。并分析这些内容在我们了解这些国家的过程中起到的作用。
回答: 英国,曾经的日不落帝国,用武力征服了大部分殖民地,文学作品在很多地方受欢迎,但考虑到资本主义的原始财富积累,不能说他的全民福利制度有多健全。 美国,是现今的superpower,公认是科技领域的老大,但是他的福利制度也经常受本国人民诟病 我们在认识其他国家时经常是通过它参与的政治事件,他的文化传播,他的科技发展,经济实力,很少关注他的全民福利。
2. 统治者、艺术家或者科学家的成就和国家伟大程度之间的关系都有哪些?请结合具体国家、人物以及其成就分析并简述。
回答: 这些人可以算是国家的精英,他们的成就体现了社会给予的支持,是反映这个国家的一面镜子。比如文学作品,可以表现出人民的普通道德价值。比如Ernest Hamingway的the old man and the sea reflect the spirit of the americans,never give up and never say never.
3. 全民福利和国家伟大程度之间的关系有哪些?请结合具体国家和当时的全民福利情况分析并简述。
回答: 国家强大了,他的福利制度会比其他穷国要好,但是反之不必然,比如前苏联
4. 同全民福利相比,统治者、艺术家或者科学家的成就在反映国家是否伟大的时候,是否存在局限性或者不合理的地方?如果没有,为什么?如果有,请举例并简述。
回答: 局限性,在于他们所占的比例太少,不足以代表各个阶层
5. 还有哪些标准或者条件可以反映国家的伟大程度?这些内容同全民福利相比,有哪些优势和不足?是否全民福利是对国家伟大程度最真实的反映?
回答: 比如文化的影响力,比如经济实力。
In 2008, a propaganda video of Chinese iamge was shown on the big screen on the Time Square, and I learned from the reports in press that the video provided a good chance for foreign people to get some knowledge about China. Contrary to the mainstream media, I felt doubted about the real effect of the video: does a collection of celebrities in different fields present the whole Chinese people? The aspects of viewing history vary from person to person. Nontherless, I agree that the effects of viewing a country through its famous figures are very limited. Other things,like economic level and education, howeve,r provide a more vivid picture of the common people's daily life.

No one feels strange about the term GDP, which measuring a country's productivity. Indeed, social scientists always refer economic data when they study peopel's life in a nation. For example, in almost every scholar study about the great dynasty,Tang(during the 8th century), scholars usually add weight to the ascription of the economic boom  to explain its culture development, the poet creation reached its peak in that time. The greatness of a nation or a period does not reflect from less the achievment of its elites than the social improvment. The great achievement, however, is just the benefector of such improvement. Therefore, I believe that to judge a nation's achievement, one should  focus on its general welfare rather than the social elites.

Yet the celebrities' contribution to the view cannot be ignored for celebties leave the direct impression on common pepple in the latter time. Unlike scholars, they have no path to history decoments, and thus, their impression are just based on the some specific historic events. When talking about the Victorcians, the first reaction of us might be some titans in literature, Bacon or Shakespear. For ordinary people, what shakespears said was just what they thought the ordinary people said. I admit that we have soem biases when viewing the history, so that concenration on the famous people does not have much benefit for us to get some kenoledge of a glory period. Probably that helps to explain why the public always misinterpret the history of a nation.

It is undoubted that the achievement of famous people does provides some valuable reference when we judge a nation's greatness. Although the study of famous people is indispensible, I do believe that the concentration should shift to some general things, economy, eduction, medicine level or argriculture for these facts are deeply involved in people's life, and thus, is a good witness of history.
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