TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:willspears
【IBT机经-16】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave.
1. 请举例说明电影和电视有哪些内容?
回答: 电影包括惊悚,悬疑,喜剧,悲剧,爱情故事。电视包括娱乐节目,新闻节目。
2. 哪些内容会对年轻人产生积极影响?这些积极影响是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 乐观积极向往生活的内容会产生积极的影响,他可以让年轻人更加的乐于享受生活,比如说很多娱乐的节目,让年轻人充满了对未来的希望 更将有力量向前进。
3. 哪些内容会对年轻人产生消极影响?这些积极影响是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 犯罪啊凶杀等刺激人心灵的内容对年轻人有消极影响,这些使得年轻人对社会产生不满对人与人之间的关系产生怀疑。比如说有个年轻人看了蝙蝠侠之后自制炸弹要炸毁剧场。
4. 请举例说明影响到年轻人行为方式的原因有哪些?
回答: 影响行为方式的原因有外界的刺激,内心的波动,别人的压力,以及很多外界的舆论。
5. 在你看来,电影和电视会对年轻人的行为方式产生决定性影响吗?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 可能会产生决定性影响,比如说美国科罗拉多电影院惨案,那个年轻人就是因为看了蝙蝠侠之后产生了炸毁剧院的念头。
TV shows and the movie function as may be the most popular entertainment way in our life. It contains much information and influences any child. And the information is complex. Someone thinks it is a negative effect on the way young people behave. However, I think television show and the movie are not as negative as they might suppose. The genre of television and movies is mostly positive to encourage youth to be optimistic. Many of them are telling a charming story with a happy ending. It is without a doubt that audience mostly like a happy ending.In 2012, the most successful movie is THAI JIONG. It was selling more than 1.2 billion RMB.And the reason why it is successful is the audience.At that time, the audience likes comedy.But there is little comedy movie before it. When the THAI JIONG was published, the view was really amazing.In America, there is classification system to protect young people with negative information. At the same time, I need to be honest that many young people commit a crime because of a movie.But the deepest reason of it is that they are already turn bad. The movie is just turn it up. The reason why a young man turns bad is complicated.The environment, the tension from others and the emotional problem can cause the crime.The movie is not the most important factor. Here is just an exact example.The shoot case from Aurora theater murder James was a good student, but he comes into connection with some bully.And he has some emotional stuff. When he watches the movie "BATMAN" , he wants to simulate the JOKER and shoot the people in the theater.As we can see the reason is that he is not the superior student he ever was.This phenomenon in juvenile delinquency is really common. However, the movie and television have some violent and pornographic story.That is definitely harmful effect on young people behave. As two aspects I mentioned, television show and the movie are not that negative to young behave.
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