TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:莫小知
【IBT机经-16】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave.
1. 请举例说明电影和电视有哪些内容?
回答: 1
2. 哪些内容会对年轻人产生积极影响?这些积极影响是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 1
3. 哪些内容会对年轻人产生消极影响?这些积极影响是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 1
4. 请举例说明影响到年轻人行为方式的原因有哪些?
回答: 1
5. 在你看来,电影和电视会对年轻人的行为方式产生决定性影响吗?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 1
movies and television, the most effective inventions of 20th century, has made effects from generation to generation. nowadays, there is a statement that movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave. I agree. 
first of all, the most important thing of movies and television is sending information of world or output the value of the life which is positive or negative. for instance, many movies show the process of crime because these movies are able to grasp people's eyes. but it is not a good effect for young people who don't have complete value of the world. according to a statistic, in HongKong, the year of a crime topic movie named Corner had became popular, the crime rate had more than 227% increase and the 1/3 of these criminals less than 20-year-old.
secondly, one of the character of movies and television is leading the viewers pay large attention to their shows even these shows have less value to watch. the american idol is a kind of successful TV show. people spend much more time on the process of level up of those idols, but what is the gain of it?  
at last, young people will spend energy on it if they spend much time on watching movies and television. in the best time of the whole life, young people who have the best memory and energy could have many good choice to spend their energy like do sports and receive knowledge. disappointingly, sports and education have no the natural character to grasp young people's attention which movies and television have. 
although to show a bigger world usually is a positive effects of movies and television, the negative effects is more than positive effects to young people. 
conclusion, i agree with that statement - movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave.
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