TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:骆玮
【IBT机经-11】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The effective leader tries to make others feel they have been part of a decision.
为了更好地理解题目,不妨把它划分为三个小单元“the effective leader(有效的领导者)”、“others(其他人)”、“part of a decision(决策的一部分)”,不难看出题目要讨论的是一名有效领导者的重要表现是让他人参与到决策中来。解决这个题目的突破点在于:1、了解一个有效的领导者应具备的重要素质;2、参与决策过程的人数多少和领导的有效与否之间的联系。
1. 请结合实际谈谈一个领导者应该具备哪些重要素质?其中,哪些素质决定了他(她)成为一名有效的领导者?
回答: 1.guiding other through modeling and though willingness to serve other first. 2.fundenmental skills at some task at hand 3.initiative and entrepreneurial dirve 4.charismatic inspiration 5.preoccupation with a role 6.a clear sense of purpose 7.results-orientation 8.Copperation 9.optimism 10.rejection of determinism 11. ability to encourage and nurture those that report to them. 12.role models 13.self-knowledge 14.self-awareness 15.with regards to people and to projects,the ability to choose winners. 16.understanding what other says,rather than listening to how they say things. p.s. good at find the advantage and disadvantage of others
2. 请结合实际谈谈制定决策对于领导全局的重要地位是什么?一个科学合理的决策的制定应该考虑哪些因素?
回答: the desicion is orientation of the task even the company.方向错了再努力也白搭。 Making desicion should consider many aspects.They include: 1.self-condition 2.results we want to arrive 3.feasibility 4.risk 5.the best result and the worse result.
3. 让其他人参与到决策中来一定会提高领导的有效性吗?会不会因为参与人数的增加而延长决策的耗时,导致领导有效性的降低?请结合具体事例来简述。
回答: As a science discipline,Management have specially research about that. The effective that making others have been part of decision depend on self-condition. Although more people would making widely and democratic decision, it not equal to more advisable decision than others. In fact, a majority of staffs have no character the leadership needed, and due to the constrain of theirselves knowledge, they possibly making bad or even wrong decision. Not only that, but they have different background and career in this company, therefore they trend to make decision which is beneficial to themselves. Considering requirement of all of people, it is not avoid to have long time to decide and descend the effectiveness of leadership. In the end, more people take part in deciding is not good at security. For some secretive decision,the less people know,the better.
4. 一名领导者的有效性还表现在其他哪些方面?有没有事例证明即使只有少数人在决策,该领导者仍然是有效力的呢?
5. 请结合具体事例来说明共同参与到决策中来对于大家来说会有哪些影响呢?
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