GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:付国豪
In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach.
1. 描述一个你认为优秀的大学教师,他/她在教学过程中除了体现学术方面的高水平外,还体现出了什么非学术的能力?
回答: 人格的魅力,对学科及其社会应用的深刻了解
2. 对于教师来说,哪些问题是与所授课程相关的非学术问题?这些问题会对教学起到什么作用?请举例说明。
回答: 学科在社会中的应用,使教育更适应现在的社会需求,使学生更感兴趣。教授材料力学的老师会在课上讲在一些著名的建筑中利用的力学结构,讲现代建筑的普遍理念,从而使课程更加有趣和深刻
3. 教师的哪些素质会影响到大学的教学质量?这些素质哪些是学术方面的,哪些是非学术方面的?请举例说明。
回答: 对其学术领域的深入了解,对教育技巧的掌握,性格的魅力,对学科相关社会知识的了解
4. 教师花时间来研究与课程相关的非学术问题有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 好处是提升其与人交流的技巧,从而能更有效率的和学生进行交流,提升教学效果。增加对学科相关社会知识的了解,从而使教育更适应现在的社会要求。 坏处是花费过多时间会导致其学术水平的下降,可能会导致教授内容不能满足学生的要求
Knowledge is now usually an interaction of different fields and sections in the society.In general, faculty should spend proper time working outside the academic field to get the knowledge and improve their skills of communication. However, spending too much time outside the academic world can also be harmful to the education.
Working outside the academic fields can help the teachers get a wide knowledge bout the needs of society towards the subjects they are teaching so that their course can be more valuable to the students.For example, my teacher in the materal mechanics course usually introduce some application of this subject in the constrution of some famous buildings. And he also tell us some modern building styles relevant to the course. All these make his classes interesting, profound and more acessable to us. And have information like this can make us more confident to face the challenge of the society when we graduate and help us have a more clear understanding of our study strategy and aim.
Spending time working outside the academic world also help the teachers improve their skills of communication and comprehention.As experience always tells us, a teacher who is short of the experience of working outside the school usually can not communicate with his or her students well. Without the ability to seize what the students are thinking makes these teachers embarrassed in classes in spite of the knowledge in their fields. Working outside the academic world means more opportunities to communicate with others and deal with all kinds of reactions of people. Teachers will improve their skills of communication and comprehension so that they can help the students more effectively.
On the other hand, spending too much time outside the academic world may distract the teachers from his academic research and exert a bad influence on their teaching.The quality of education is usually relevant to Academic ability to a large extent. And the academic ability can hardly be improved by the work outside the academic fields. The only way to improve the academic ability is to spend time doing research and study continuly. The short of academic time may leads to that the teachers' knowledge can not meet the need of students.
Admittedly,spending time may distract the teacher from research and exert a bad influence on the education.However, after weigh the advantages and disadvantages of this thing, we can conclude that all faculty should spend proper time working outside the academic world in order to make the class more accessable and valuable.
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