GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wanglie
In any realm of life-whether academic, social, business, or political-the only way to succeed is to take a practical, rather than an idealistic, point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superseded by simpler, more immediate options.
1. 什么是实用的观点?这些观点具有什么特点?这些观点对人的成功有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 可以实现的,与生存生活息息相关。优点可以从实际出发,考虑的问题的出发点容易接受;弊端就是起点较低,很难有创新之处。如果过于实用,则不会有一些超前的想法去满足未来某一时刻人们的需求。
2. 什么是理想化的观点?这些观点有什么特点?这些观点对于人的成功有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 理想的就是在现实生活中不能实现或是很难实现的。特点就是都是一些在生活中人们会想到但是去没有很大的联系。对成功的好处就是理想主义的想法往往是唯一的,不同人有不同的想法,在追寻这个理想的过程中会产生很多意想不到的好处;弊端就是意想不到的坏处,并且理想主义往往不切实际,过于追求只会浪费时间与精力。
3. 保证在人在一个领域存活的因素有哪些?这些因素都是实用的还是理想化的?请举例说明。
回答: 生理,安全,情感归谁,尊重,自我实现。前两种是纯实用,后两种是存理想,中间都有。
4. 人的成功会受到哪些因素的影响?这些因素哪些是具有实用特征的?哪些是具有理想化特征的?请举例说明。
回答: 自身水平,外界环境。【?不明白】
5. 什么是简单而迫切的想法?人们为什么会产生这些想法?这些想法会给人的成功带来什么好处?什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 在紧急情况下的为了解决某种矛盾的想法。为了生存,摆脱矛盾。从实用出发的,满足基本需求的。弊端就是可能过于仓促,难以保证周全。
6. 实用主义和理想主义是必然对立的么?如果是,请解释为什么并举例说明;如果不是,请分析在什么情况下二者会有统一,并举例说明。
回答: 不是。实现理想主义的过程是由无数个实用主以组成的。
The speaker claims that the only way to success no matter in which field is to adopt a  practical perspevtive rather than a idealistc one, and the pragmatic behavior certify survival while idealistic views tend to be supplant by simper, more immediate opnions. In my view, I, to some extent, agree with the speaker, but a idealistic view is not as hopeless as the speaker allege.
One compelling argument in favour of a practival view involves the problems solved in daily life by pragmatic progresses. A telling example of  this is the development of the transportation started from a horse-driven carriage to the supersonic aircraft, and this reform is motivated by human beings' requirements to the fast speed of travelling. So the designers think in a practical way to satisfy people's appetite, the revolutionary cars, ships, aircrafts are made successively. Moreover, when it is hot in summer, engineers make the air conditioner serve human beings, and this is engineers' pragmatic attitude which have made our life turn into a more convenient and friendly one. Many significant human progresses are made just as the foregoing examples induced by the designers and scientists' pravtical views.
It will be sensible that people will be successful when they take a practical idea into action. Consider, for intance, the success of SONY's walkman. In the era of there was no portable music player, when people come up with a desire to enjoy the music, they had to sit down quietly in front of a huge tape recorder machine and to turn up the volume if they want listent to the music outside the door. So there was a strong desire among people at that time to a kind of music product that can be taken to any place. So SONY took this appeal into consideration, and the walkman is unwrapped to meet the world with a overwhelming success as the tremendous success of ipod. And the history is never lack of this kind of accomplishments which deliberate the demands of people frome a practical perspective.
Moreover, the speaker also talks about the idealistic point of view and say no good to it. The idealistc view, acturally, are the perspective involves no practical views. It always the ideas or the claims of one person or a certain group which can not present most people's requirements. So, as the speaker claims, this kind of views tend to be supplanted by simpler and more immediate options in most cases. We, human beings, for instance, are short of the drink water for decades, and we have such choice to fix it as sea water conversion, melting the iceburgs in poles and so forth. But apparently these measures are unapplicable and unadvisable to the extent of our technology and the natural balance. A myriad of idealisc views as these are really meaningless when take it into serious consideratin from all perspectives.
Nevertheless the idealisc point of views are unadvisable to some extent, some successful ideas and improvements are primarily based on the idealisc views. If the idealisc perspective are only accept by few people who are some kind of genius, it would be an era of revolution when these views come into reality. As the spectaculor success of iphone, when it was published at the summer of 2007, some analysts of Wall Street forecasted that iphone wolud be worst choice of Apple's strategies because they thought it would be weird to combine a ipod to a phone. But today the iphone empire tells them iphone is a historical fabulous product that is copies by most mobile phone producers. This compelling fact disprove the speaker's claim that there would be no success in any realm of life in a idealistic view compared to the practical view. As the idealistic view is only shared by few peole, once it is a real one there would be revolutionary success whereas the one motivated by practical views would be a tiny success. However, it does not mean that there would be no relationship between these two kinds of entirely different views, on the way to achieve a idealistic dream, it would be more practical if slice the big dream into some attainable and realistic ones.
To sum up, a practical view is realistic in most cases whereas idealistic view is unpractical in most cases, but once the idealistic one is proved to be sensible and wolud be a tremendous success. 
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