TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘毅
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external appearances. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
1. 什么是“以貌取人”?
回答: Judge a person by external appearances means that a charming girl or a handsome boy who is stupid may be regard as genius but a unhandsome with great intellegence is treat as a fool
2. 人为什么会以貌取人?
回答: Such is human nature that everyone love beautiful things and a beautiful apperances can make people confortable. So when a handsome guy talks to people, people may be more friendly. This is really serious for girls. Many male bosses like beautiful female secretary. It is more harder than young fair maidens to get a god job for a ugly guy.
3. 以貌取人会产生怎样的结果?
回答: A boss may employ a double dealer who has good apperences but was incapable. A husband may marry a beautiful girl with awful inside. A student may have no true friends.
4. 人的外貌很什么重要吗?重要性体现在哪儿?
回答: Sometimes, it is important. For models, actor or actress and TV-presenter, A good apperance is prerequisite. Imagine that, some ungly guys appear in a moive, will you be patient to move on? Like ZhangZiyi, LiuDeHua and LiangChaoWei, famous actress and actor in chain, all have a charming apperance.
5. 外貌跟人的本质有什么联系?
回答: Admittedly, apperences may be unity with people's inside in some degree. A confident man can be looked full of passion. A incapable man can be decadent in apperance. But the things are not always going like that. Many excellent scientist have a scruffy outside, because they are busy on working and have no time to care about the apperance.
6. 有没有其它的方面能判断一个人的本质?
回答: There are many ways. The behavior \ taste \ hobby \...
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