TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Cathy Zhang
Imagine that you have received some land to use as you wish. How would you use this land? Use specific details to explain your answer.
1. 一块地都有什么用途呢?举出多个例子。
回答: farming, building a house or a school, constructing a square or a park, development a factury, a market or a mall.
2. 你打算用这块地做什么?这对你或是他人有什么好处?
回答: My intent is to build a farm to cultivate organic vegetables which are supplied to agricultural markets. Nowadays, vegetables and fruits are produced nearly without fertilizes and pesticides. As a result, residual of that chamical substance may still on leaves or surface of vegetables and fruits, and be bad for our health. I think I can manage a such farm that produce organic and healthy food for those who usually come to my farm and have a close relation with my farm and trust my farm. My consumers and I have not only business relationship, but also close friendship. We not only share food or other goods, but also other part of life; not only phisical living, but also mental.
3. 你最不希望将这块地用做什么?
回答: I most don't want to use this land to build gambling house or other places in which spirit would be corrupted and love would become cheap. If a places have no love, it would become demise.
4. 请概述你的具体计划。
回答: first, I cultivate some vegetables for my family, and at the same time give some to my neighbours. I try my best to be a good member in my community through living by my ture heart. Then extent my vegetable garden's scale as the demand of my community increase. Do the farming as my life and timely invite my neighbors to my farm to enjoy joy of cultivating and have a common living.
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