GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:RellaS
Educators should take students' interests into account when planning the content of the courses they teach. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
题目讨论授课内容与学生兴趣的关系。本题是很常见的话题,但分析时要注意以下三点: 1、分析可以面向各个教学阶段以及不同学科; 2、从教师和学生“互动”的角度考虑问题; 3、分析的时候要避免偏激思路,虽然大家都是从应试教育阶段走过来的,但是要注意:可以排斥但是言语不要过激。
1. 结合你的经验,请分析并列举,教育家或者教师的职责包括哪些?
回答: The basic responsibility is to help students learn knowledge. If considering higher level of responsibilities, two areas are significant. The first aspect is to help studnets form right self-awareness. Questions like "What is my values?""What kind of person I want to be?" may be asked by students. The second aspect is to help students learn about the world and form their own critical thinking of the world. This aspects include how students interact with other people and how they deal with different issues in the complicated world.
2. 结合你的经验,请分析并列举,学生的兴趣可能有哪些?
回答: Different students may have different interests. For example, some may like mathematics; some may like history; some student may not be interested in academic knowledge but they prefer music and paiting art. Although interests vary, some common things exist. Students usually prefer things that have more involvement, things that requires diversified skills and things that students can control their own learning paces. When I was in the high school, I did not have any interest in Maths because I thought I would not have many chances to use most of the knowledge in daily life and this meant low involvement. I prefer English because I considered it as a communication tool that I could frequently use. English requires writing, speaking and reading skills. Demand for multi skills is attractive to me.
3. 如果在授课的过程中,教育家严格并且完全地满足学生的兴趣,这会对教学以及其效果有哪些影响?请举例并简述。
回答: There are generally two negative influences. The first is from the side of the educational institutions. They need to make much greater investment and time to design individualized curriculums to satisfy different interests of students. The advantages of centralized and conform education system adopted by most schools may become disadvantages. The second aspect is about the quality and practical meaning of students' interests. Not all interests are meaningful and beneficial. When there is not a careful process of evaluating and identifying of interests, the education will be meaningless. For example, the interest of sleeping may not be that meaningful.
4. 如果在授课的过程中,教育家完全忽视学生的兴趣,这会对教学以及其效果有哪些影响?请举例并简述。
回答: If ignoring students' interests, the most direct result will be the low level of motivation to learn. This can lead to distraction of attention, low efficiency and even students' resistence.
5. 你认为的,在授课过程中,应该怎样参考学生的兴趣比较合适?请简述。
回答: 1.carefully investigate students' interests and categorize interests interests that have common points with knowledge 3.make use of new tools or methods of teaching to cater to students' interests
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