TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:蛋蛋先生
Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and should spend most of their time on school studies. Others believe that young children should spend most of their time playing. Compare these two views. Which view do you agree with? Why?
1. 你有没有接触过提前入学的同学?他们和同龄人相比有什么不同。描述一个具体的例子。
回答: 有,高中的时候有一个男孩子很聪明,比一般的学生小5岁,学习很好,但是在与人相处上有些自我,因为大家都让着他所以在看待问题上不考虑其它人的想法。
2. 你把大部分时间花在学习上还是游戏上?你觉得这有什么好处和坏处?
回答: 小时候把大部分时间花在玩上。好处是交了很多朋友,学会了怎样与人相处,团队合作、相互帮助。坏处是没有养成好的学习习惯,刚入学的时候有些不适应。
3. 在学习上花的时间一定和学习成绩成正比吗?为什么?
回答: 不一定,这需要学生全身心的投入到学习中去,如果在学习的时候也在想着玩或者其他的东西学习也是没有效率的。
4. 游戏是否能提高孩子其它能力?它和学习是否是完全冲突的?
回答: 不一定,比如sudoku (数独)可以锻炼孩子对于数字的敏感性,培养他对于数字的能力;Lego(乐高)可以锻炼孩子的想象力和动手能力,这些对于他今后的生活都是很重要的。去大自然玩,可以培养对于自然的热爱和浓厚兴趣。
Learning is the essential part of one's growth and there is no doubt that forging a good habit is of great importance both for study and life. So some people think it is good for children to start their study as early as possible and devote themselves in it.However, letting children follow their natures and spend most of time playing with friends or in nature.Playing is the nature of children and it can actually benefit children's learning.There are a lot of things one can learn from playing. Playing enable children inspire their cognitive, responsive and operative ability. Lego has its prestige of developing children's brains.By playing Lego, children's imagination is cultivated and also the operative ability is improved which are significant in learning.Children who spent most time playing, a research shows, perform better than those spent plenty of time on studying. Moreover, playing can assist children forge their characteristics like how to be a good team player, how to get well with others and so on. Children usually play as a team which means they need to learn cooperate with others.In a football competition, it is hard to secure winning unless all the player work together very well.If one player is egocentric and always want to shine, he may let his team lose the chance to win. Next time,when he face the same situation,he will know how to work together with others. That characteristic helps students do well in group study and future life.Of course, if children spend overtime on playing, his mental and physical health will be destroyed, let alone his study. For example, being addicted to computer games steals the time of study and rest.So it is vital for children have self-discipline on playing.Based on what I have discussed, even though spending much time on playing has potential damage on children, as long as control it rightly, it is still the better choice in front of burying children in books most of time.      
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