TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:cj_nb110
Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.
1. 如果你是大学生,你每节课都去上吗?为什么?
回答: 会 必修课是一个学生成才的必要保障,选修课可以使学生全面发展,因而它们都很重要 虽然上课占用了许多人的时间,但成功的关键在于效率而非时间投入多少 许多成功人士都是积极面对每一件事情
2. 如果你选择不去上课,那你会用这些时间做什么事?为什么你觉得这些事情比你上课更重要?
回答: 交朋友,打游戏? 打工? 社会实践? 前两种属于荒废人生,后两种需要理论支持
3. 你觉得去上课有什么好处?
回答: 学知识,长见识,交流思想,锻炼思维能力,交流能力
4. 如果你是有些课上,有些课不上。那么是什么让你觉得那些课应该上?
回答: 老师好不好? 课程重不重要? 选了你不喜欢的课程就等于是浪费时间。 如果不喜欢任课教师,说明预选课阶段你没有对课程进行全面了解。
The author claimed above that some people think sudents should be required to attend their classes by university, bud otherpeople do not agree with their point. Tested by so many gradruates, education in universities are successful and efficience becuse of so many classes they carefully provide. Classes in universities are not only useful in our graduates' work, but also in their daily life. Usually, in required classes, students could get skills and knowledge that will be useful in the future work, and in other clases, students could extend their knowledge to deal with things and problems in their daily life.It is very important for a university to require their students to attend classes. Students in department of Biology will get a full view about knowledges and techqunics used in biological research. In China, most of graduate students only take class in their first six months in their study to maintain their knowledge learned in their undergraduate studies, after that, they when to libraries to do basic researches. Sometims, students in other subjicts, for example, arts will tell you how to deal with problems in scientific ways. According to a survey by our University, 80 percent of these knowledge were got from selected classses. So, not only the required classes are important for students, but alos those selected classes. In order to form their students' good personality, univercities should riquire their studnets to attend classes.What is more, in most of Universities, students could choose selected classes that they are interested in. But most of the students who do not go to their selected class say that they do not lik the class or the professor. It is a controvercy for they choose their clases according to their interests, but they say they do not like them finally. They think that it is waste of time to attend classes that they do not like .However, what could they do with thoe "saved" time? According to my experience, they could not go places that too far away from school because there are only 2 or 3 hours to goAlthough there are things that are more important than classes in University,students could experience them in their spare time. It is efficiency not how much time you spend on that is the most important things. Knowledge could make you understand better and become 熟练 easier. So it is important for university to require their students to attend class.
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