TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:cj_nb110
A gift (such as a camera, a soccer ball, or an animal) can contribute to a child's development. What gift would you give to help a child develop? Why? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice.
1. 你送过什么礼物给孩子?你当时选择的原因是什么?
回答: I gave gifts to some friends when it teir birthdays came or they did well in examinations.
2. 当你还是孩子的时候,你希望收到什么礼物?你觉得这个礼物对你有什么好处或是坏处?
回答: toys, toy guns or busketball I can play with them. I thought they would give me a lot of fine.
3. 你认为父母送孩子礼物,希望这份礼物能带给孩子什么呢?例如智力、沟通能力等。举例说明一个方面。
回答: When they gave their children balls, they wanted their chil will do more exercises; when they gave their children books, they hoped their children will learn more.
A gift can contribute to a child's development. It is not only important for development of children's intellegence, but also help children to become a perfict person. Different kinds of gift will give children different kinds of experieces. Some will be advantage for the development of children's intellegence, some will be good for their health, and what is more, the experience of receive gifts will be a perfict example. It will tell children how to get on well with people, and let them know what is happy.First, I will give children gfts that will give them a lot of help on development of heir interllegence. When I was a little boy, I hope to have a equipment whch will help me on practicing calculation. But to my depression, there was no such equipment in my home town. When my father bought it from Beijing and brought it to me, I was in a great joy. Almost immediatly, I practised calculation. With it help, I became one of the students who had a great capacity to calculate in our class.Second, I will give children gifts that will make them happy. When I was ten years old, my mother gave me a tape-recorder which could receive several programs. I lstened to listening materials, stories, and news everyday. I gained a lot of knowledge, and I was very happy with the tape recorder.Finally, I holp to tell children how to love things around us by giving them gifts. I think the most important things for giving gifts is that, by doing this, parents tell children what is love and how to expres their love. Emotion development is very importment for child. If a child's emotion is not developed normally, it will lead to something really bad. For example, several years ago, a boy student in Tsing Hua University poured some poisonous liquid to two bears in Beijing Zoo. Both of the bears were badlly hurted. Give gifts to children will show them how to love others and how to love things in our world.So It is very importment to give gifts to children. The gift we give to a children should be benefit both on their development of interllegent but alos on the development of their emotion.
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