TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:秋恬
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
1. 你几岁开始上学的?那时候学校有开设外语课程吗?
回答: The year I entered onto school was 1997, when I was 7 years old. At that time, my school hadn't open the foreign course.
2. 现在的孩子都较早地学习外语,你觉得他们跟你当时同年龄的时候有什么不同?
回答: 1.they can learn more knowledge about foreign language and the foreign culture. such as my sister learns English when she was 7years old. she absorbs much more knowledge about english and the culture of foreign. 2.they are under much more pressure. Because when I was a little girl,I did not have any opportunities to learn foreingh language. Hence, I had a large amount of time on my own spare time, which I could reading books or play outside. However, those children who live in modern society undergoing so much stress. They have to use the spare time to learn more knowledge, such as attending english course.
3. 孩子一上学就学外语有什么好处和坏处?
回答: benefits: 1.They can acquire a new skill, which is beneficial for their future study and career. For instance, a child who can master another kind language, he or she can have more choices in the future study and career. such as she or she can choose to go abroad to learn more knowledge. or she or she can go to a top company to work. disadvantages: 1.they are undergoing so much pressure. For instance, my sister learned English when she was 7 years old. She spends 3 hours to learn english everyday. she told me she had little time to have a good rest and paly outside oncetime. 2.It also affects their mother tongue system. You can imagine a 7 years old child enters into school everyday, who is facing to communicate with others by using 2 kinds of languages. The alternately using different languages will have a harmful effect on the child's language system. 3.they are more easily weary of studying. Because child have limited capability to absorb various new thing. In plus, they cannot handle their own mother tongue very well, therefor, learning foreign language is an extra pressure for them to deal with. If request they learn foreign language when they enter into school, after a long time, children will become weary of studying. because they feel that learn language is difficult for them.
4. 孩子什么时候学习外语是最佳时期?
回答: In my own opinion, there isn't having an exact standard to judge. why? Because every child has various family blackgrounds and educational experiences. Moreover, every child has different characteristics. Maybe some are interested in language, others may not. However, it must have a period or stage which the child adores to learn language.
5. 现在国家对孩子幼年外语教育是怎样的?
回答: In china, my country, the educational policy of learning foreign language indicates that child should learn English course when they enter into the elementary school. Especially, in the eastern areas, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong,etc.
Language is the fundamental factor to contact people and society.With the growing age, children learn to speak and communication. Meanwhile, another problems we need to think about, that is, should children learn another language when they start school?  Some parents believe that children should learn another foreign language as early as they enter school.Because children have a good memory and an excellent learning ability when they are young. However, others include students and critics deny children should learn second language as early as they are pupil. The reason is that students undergo too much stress; also learning foreign language may have a harmful effect on the system of learning mother tongue. Moreover, learing foreign language too early may lead to the weary study with children. I am the proponent who support children should not learn foreign language as early as they start school.
Nowadays, children has few time to rest and play. They undergo much more pressure when they become a pupil. Hence, it is no doubt that learning another language will bring more stress on them. Too much stress is responsible for the physical diseases or mental diseases. For example, one of my sisters who is 7 years learns english in school, and every night she spends 2 hours to learn english. She often feels tired and unhappy. Obviously, it is too early for children to learn second language.
Scientists suggest that learning language is a complicated process which are easily influenced by the environment. It is peak time for children to learn and practise their mother tongue.If learning foreign language is required, it disturbs children' mother tongue system and reduces the learning ability.
The children' persistence level is slightly low. Their passion for learning things is always limited. Because foreign language is considerable strange for a pupil, they will have difficult to master it. Because of it, they are easily lose interest, even worse, they will be weary of studying. Therefore, it is not a wise choice for children.
Though learning foreign language early is benefit for children to learn more knowledge and to be more competitive in the future. it is more significant to care about the current. Every child is unique, if they are required to learn sencond language once they enter school, they will lose interest and freedom. eventually, they will fail to face the chanllenge in the future. with their own growing, they will find the interest of learning another language. At that time, they will be still learn more knowledge and be conpetitive in the future.
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