TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:dameng1991
【IBT机经-1】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: In order to succeed, you should be more like others than be different from everyone else.
1. 在我们的日常生活和社会历史中,获得成功的人都应该具备那些素质?这些成功人士是和其他人一样呢还是与众不同呢?请结合实例简述。
回答: in my view, although the way people achieve success are great different, successful people are considered to poses some good ability in common such as persistence, far sight and so forth and no doubtedly it is those compentance that distinguish them from the others,the odinay people who achieve nothing in their whole lifes. a good example could be given from the well known person mayun, a pinner of alibaba page and tao bao. with far fight and having forecasted the giant market of internet in China at early time, he started his internet career with several his partners, after innumourous setbacks and obstatals , ma yun was never been beated down and finally successfully marchted in computer marktet.
2. 成功人士的身上,哪些特点是具有普遍性的?那些特质是具有特殊性的?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: someone would against it with the reason that personalities such as persistence and far sight are common to see from most people while only few of them could obtain successes. it is because there are some unique characteristics can also contributes to a person's success,like talent, we can not deny the importance of talent in a person's life. mozart were able to play the piano even he was just four years old. this astounishing gift played a significantly role in his successes in music.
3. 变得和大家相似会出现哪些结果?在什么情况下有助于成功?什么情况下不利于成功?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: if every one show the similliar personalities or characteristics, it would be not easy to distinct outstanding people from the common people. tending to keep same pace with most people would make us fail in being a special people. only we every one try hard to show us unique and special aspects can we own a different bright future, like Steve Jons once said when divered speech at stanford university, time is limited,do not waste time to live other people's life.what we should do is to make us special.
4. 变得和大家不同有哪些结果?在什么情况下有利于成功?什么情况下不利于成功?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: there is one saying that early bird catches the worm, if we every one are used to get up to late, no one would grasp the chances to enjoy the worm, right, therefore, sometimes, what we should do is just make us a little bit special with others in which we could surprisingly observe that our tiny uniqueness shows us a greatly splendid world in front of us. even though being special could contribute us to achieve success, however, it is not always good to perform differently with others. teamwork could clearly proves this view. as one of the team member we are often demanded to complish some tasks together, if some of us always try to perform differently then no conincidence agreement would be made and also thwart us the whole team to finish the whole task. for those people, they have no way to achiece success but to disgust other people around him or her.
5. 变得和他人一样也好,不一样也罢,对成功究竟能起到多大的作用?为了获得成功,除了题目中涉及的那方面问题,还需要那些优秀的品质呢?请结合实例简述。
回答: a good many of factors could lead to success and being a person with some outstanding abilities is only one of the tiny factor. others courses such as envirornment and human being resouse and so forth are also play an key role . a person with a large friend circle can often easily to find ways to solve the problems than those people who only pesees a limited friends circle, right .
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