GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:大眼睛大叔
Educators should base their assessment of students' learning not on students' grasp of facts but on the ability to explain the ideas, trends, and concepts that those facts illustrate. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE28"Students should memorize facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only facts have learned very little"。题目的实质是讨论理论与实例,抽象与具体之间的关系。你可以分别考虑具体的实例和抽象的概念在学习中的作用,也可以考虑具体事例和抽象方法的特点和他们之间的差异,并分析哪些因素跟“学到东西”有关。
1. 你在学习中更愿意学习抽象的方法、概念、思想,还是学习具体的事例?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 抽象的方法概念思想更枯燥一些,而学习具体的实例更有意思。但,真正能帮我们解决问题的主要是问题背后不变的抽象的方法,概念,思想。比如单纯的学习工科某些课程会很无聊,但去实验室真正的动手解决工程问题却很好玩。
2. 抽象的思想和概念有什么特点?这些特点哪些对于学习有好处?哪些会给学习带来问题?请举例说明。
回答: 他们历久弥新,简单易懂。但想熟练的掌握他们并不容易,需要很深刻的理解才行。他们是学习的本质,是学习的核心竞争力。当然过于强调抽象的思想和概念而不学习具体的事物不利于知识的活学活用,仅仅是死读书罢了。比如工科的很多课程要配合实验课一起进行才有利于学习消化知识。
3. 具体的事例有什么特点?这些特点哪些对于学习有好处?哪些会给学习带来问题?请举例说明。
回答: 具体的事物更加贴近生活,学习起来也更有意思。学习他们可以让学生快速的解决某些现实的问题。但同样,只学习具体的事物而没有抽象的思想就会阻碍更高层次的发展,难以做到以不变应万变。比如单纯学习计算机实践类课程而没有数学和逻辑课程做基础难以有所成就。
4. 在学习中如何做到“举一反三”?在这个过程中,抽象的思想和具体的事例分别起到了什么作用?请举例说明。
回答: 首先要学习抽象的思维和思想,并对他们有深刻的理解。其次要付诸实践,即学习具体的事物,做到活学活用。抽象的思想提供了解决问题的大方向和策略,是战略上的谋划。而具体的事例是把思想落到实处,是战术上的灵活运用。工程学往往需要良好的数学和物理作为基础,同时还要有专业的素养。这样才能让工程师更好的解决问题。
5. 什么样的学习内容更适合学习具体事例?什么样的学习内容更适合学习抽象的思想?请举例说明。
回答: 实践性强的东西更需要具体事例,比如装修,摄影,绘画等。而工程学这种需要理论根基的学科更要求抽象的思想,因为只有掌握了抽象的思想才能做到以不变应万变来解决各种工程问题。
6. 抽象概念和思想与具体的事例之间有什么关系?这些关系会如何影响学习过程?请举例说明。
回答: 二者密不可分,一个是战略方向,一个是战术应用。都要学习。

  The speaker asserts that educator should base their assessment of sudents' learning not on suduents' grasp of facts but on the ability to explain the ideas, trends, and concepts that those facts illustrate. The speaker links the abstract thoughts with pragmatic applications to some extent. I fundamentally agree with the speaker. In my point of view, the abilities to explain the ideas, trends, and concepts are kinds of abstract alitlities which are essential in education.
  Admittedly, learning how to grasp of facts is more interesting and easier than learning abstract thoughts behind the facts. And by grasp of facts help students resolve immediate problems in their life and studying. In colleges and universities, there are many experiments in which students  face practical problems and try to deal with them. Those courses are very popular for sudents. The phenomenon resulting from the opportunities to apply what they have learn in books. The encouragment coming from successes and expriences in grasp of facts will play a important role in students' development.
  However, the object of learning to grasp of facts is to help students comprehend the abstract thoughts behind the facts better.  If educators overemphasize the importance of grasp of facts and ignore the ability to explain the ideas, trend, and concepts, students will be constrained by practical problems.  Furthermore, there are countless facts in academe and life. It is impossible for educators to teach all of them to their students. For example, when it comes to computer science, students will find that math and physics become increasingly important in their study when they pursue further education. Whithout the base of math and physics, individuals cannot solve engineering problems in essence. 
  Finally, developing students' abstract thoughts and abilities is the essence of education. With the advancement of technology and economy, what they learn in the grasp of facts will become antiquated sooner or later. But the abstract methods behind the facts are constant. The abilities to explain the ideas, trends, and concepts that those illustrate will be essential in individuals' further education and jobs. For example, no matter what students' major are, they are equired to learn the basic courses like math, physics and so on in colleges and universities. That will help them understand their professional knowledge and apply it in the furthure. 
  To sum up, I concede the grasp of facts help students solve immediate problems. But the essence of education should be developing the abilities of explain the ideas, trends, and concepts that those facts illusrate. So, I fundamentally agree with the speaker.

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